Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump, Coming Around, Maybe

TODAY DONALD TRUMP disavowed right wing extremism, praised the New York Times after having condemned it earlier in the day (a day can last long), indicated his intention of leaving Hillary Clinton alone, and further indicated that he intends to keep an open mind about human made climate change. Now, that's more like it. He keeps talking like that, and in less time than it takes to bankrupt a casino he'll have a brand new ally and friend, namely, moi. Trump reminds me of myself, being as how he has more mood swings in a day than I have stray cats (four) or he has pending lawsuits (four thousand). No, I do not think Donald J. trump is any more qualified temperamentally to be the U.S. president than I, and that's going some. We need more Obama-esque calm, collected stoicism, not the raging infernal of a child-like emotional make up such as he, and alas poor I possess. Leaving Hillary alone is good strategy, being as how she is as innocent as the driven snow, as indicated by repeated and thorough FBI investigations, never having had so much as a parking ticket. By comparison, Donald J. Trump is a walking maximum security facility. For instance, there is the minor matter of the Trump Foundation, by its own admission, having been so operated as to benefit and enhance the good fortune of other than charitable interests, a definite violation of law. Then too, lest we forget that many of the four thousand lawsuits in which Trump is currently engaged allege further malfeasance on his part, and of course there is that annoying matter of his having, just the other day, bought his way out of a fraud rap involving a certain now defunct "educational" institution. But if he can see his way clear to notice the air pollution which is over heating a certain planet which by the way does not belong to us, but to our descendants, and stop his insane and childish desire to persecute a person no less worthy than he, we may have a deal. There are other steps. He'll need to deal with Vladimir Putin like a man, rather than an ass kisser, and he'll need to get some help from other than white right wing extremists, just to sort of balance things a bit and make himself look a tad more diverse in his thinking. But those things take time, and all in all, today wasn't a bad day for a poor boy from Queens who made good with no help from anyone, other than a few cool million start up money from dear old dad.

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