Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Descending Towards Doom On Election Day

AS THE POLLS BEGAN TO CLOSE on election day, it occurred to me; the United States of America is doomed. No matter who assumes the presidency, the nation is without hope. Suppose Trump wins. In that event, a war with Mexico looms, as Trump tries to force Mexico to pay for his ridiculous, insane wall, Mexico refuses, and the burden of the expense falls to America, bankrupting the country. American presidents are surprisingly consistent in keeping, or trying to keep, their campaign promises. Donald Trump has made so many insane campaign promises the republic cannot survive them all. His tax cut plans would further increase the gap between the wealthy and the poor, and relegate millions of Americans, who are barely getting by now, to the streets, whence a revolution would begin. Again, the country goes bankrupt. In foreign policy, there is a reason why Vladimir Putin wants Donald Trump to be president. Does the word "puppet" ring a bell? Among conservative supporters, probably not. When President Trump formally accuses the Chinese of creating the climate change hoax, watch out. Speaking of climate change, by the time trump leaves offices, it'll be too late to worry about. There will be no climate change agreement internationally, and fossil fuels will be burning their way into the atmosphere, accelerating our doom. Suppose Hillary Clinton wins. The Supreme Court will shrink, one by one, to less than five members, as one justice after another dies or retires, and none of her appointments are given consideration by a lunatic right wing congress. The conservative maniacs, who are ubiquitous, will riot in the streets, carrying their Bibles and automatic weapons, in protest of her being president, and she might not survive her first term. Nothing she proposes, like climate change legislation and solar energy subsidies, will pass congress, and the great government gridlock will continue, while other countries develop renewable energy, leaving the United States, literally, in the dark. There is no hope. We are doomed.

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