Thursday, November 3, 2016

Getting The Black vote Out (of the Voting booth)

IN EARLY VOTING, black turnout is down, compared to 2012. Exactly how do we know this? Are there poll workers sitting quietly in the corner at voting places all across America, jotting down the letter "C' for "colored" every time a darkly pigmented person casts a ballot, like Donald Trump used to do every time an African-American applied for a place to live in his rental properties? Trump did this because he was/is a racist. Are we all racists, keeping track of the race of every voter? So it seems. All across freedom's land, republican conservative types have tried to get laws passed requiring a photo I.D., sometimes more than one, in order to be given a ballot. Although most of these laws have been struck down by cooler wiser federal courts, the perception that they still exist, plus a lack of interest in the candidates, are perhaps combining to suppress black turn out, bad news for Hillary Clinton and democratic candidates, good news for Donald Trump and republican candidates, in accordance with the nefarious hidden intent of the laws. Conservatives generally show their lack of concern about this by laughing about it. What is so damned difficult abut getting a photo I.D.?, query the crackers. One can hardly expect a bunch of upper middle class honkies to understand any of this, or to give a damn. We're talking about people who have no idea what its like to be discriminated against all through life, to be pulled over by one cop after another, to be followed in stores. Conservatives understand less about the problem of race in America than they understand that tons of carbon added to the atmosphere absorbs extra heat, so, what can you expect? Perhaps if the right wingers want to do an even better job of keeping their perceived inferiors away from the voting booth, they might consider requiring every polling place to be equipped with fire hoses and German shepherds. Better yet, giant posters picturing Bull Connor and George Wallace in front of the building might do the trick.

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