Saturday, November 12, 2016

Giving Trump A Chance

ON THE ROAD from Tarsus to Damascus, or an American equivalent thereto, the lord, God, spoke inside me. Not the Christian biblical god, who doesn't exist, but rather, my God, the "infinitely superior spirit" Einsteinian variety. It said: "dude, give the guy a chance". Although I was a bit shocked, I'm pretty quick, and I picked up on it right away, and I even kept the car on the road, despite the shock of hearing God, which saved my life. And, of course, God is correct, as always. Hell, man, I said to myself, give the man a chance. So, my healing is underway, and proceeding rapidly. I might even be out of the psychopathic anger ward before I know it! See, I'm One of these never Trump Bernie Sanders types, ready to carry signs and throw rocks in America's cities. But, wait. Whoa. I've made my point. I've had my chance. Time for me to give the man a chance, a real chance, not just a snotty half assed one, but rather, a seriously fair minded hard listening empathetic kind of chance. Why treat Trump the same way Trump and the conservative republicans treated Obama for eight years, which was like shit? After all, ever since he was elected, Donald J. Trump has behaved like a perfect gentleman, proving that he can do it, even though he never had until after the election. There's a first time for everything, as cliche mongers say. Winning makes magnanimity come easy. If he can do it, I can do it. All I/we need to do now is turn president elect Trump into a liberal. Human made climate change is real, and its happening now. Its not a Chinese hoax, like our future president said, perhaps after after a glass of sherry.. Maybe the conservatives are right. Maybe Trump is not to be taken literally. But Trump disavows climate change, and we can no longer afford to do that. The time for right wing global warming denial fantasy is over. We need to let natural gas compete coal out of business, and we need to let solar energy compete everything else out of business, in order to save the planet, and its happening now, as solar energy is sweeping across the world, so long as we don't stop it by forcing the coal mines to stay open. Time for those who voted for Trump to step up, and fight climate change. This November my crepe myrtle is blooming, and its eighty five degrees in middle America. In November. Hello? Every day, Miami Beach floods. 'Nuff said? I need to change, we need to change, Trump needs to change. And climate change denial aint the only Trumpet core value that needs reworking. But, one step at a time, one issue at a time. For instance, before we trash Obama care, let's replace it with something better. Maybe rename it "Reagan Care", and just fix it. That's another example of the need to rework and amend the Donald. Here in our great rough and tumble democracy, all we have to do is tweet Trumpian climate change denial out of bounds, like a few other crazy ideas he has, and unite behind reason, science, sense, and sanity. It should be fun.

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