Monday, November 14, 2016

Mr. Trump, Governing From Prison, But Only If Necessary

DONALD TRUMP and his supporters, before the election, made one thing perfectly clear: if Hillary wins, investigations of her will increase, multiply, and burden her presidency. Nothing she wants will pass, including Supreme Court nominees, just because she is who she is, and hated, like Obama. That sure doesn't sound very much like a plan to attempt to unify the country, as we are now supposed to do. National unification will require compromise from everyone. Giving the new president a chance, and supporting him, does not mean agreeing with him on everything, or anything. The new president must accept climate change, fight it, and defeat it, as only he can do. The new president must be thoroughly investigated for any and all possible criminal activity, just like Hillary Clinton would have been, is evidently still will be. Trump, as everyone knows, promised to put Hillary Clinton in jail should he become president. He never said anything about due process. They never do. Assuming Donald Trump is as pure and innocent as the driven snow, the FBI investigation and all the other investigations of him will come up clean, like they all did for Hillary. Fortunately, it seems likely that the Hillary supporters and liberals will not accuse Trump's wife of being transgender, or accuse Trump of having been born abroad, which is what the lovely conservatives did to the Obamas. But we're better than that. At least saner. All of the women who have recently accused Trump of sexual molestation must be heard, thoroughly, by everyone. If they file charges, the process must continue, and if Trump is proven guilty, and convicted of a crime while he is president, so be it. The president is not above the law. Mr. Trump can run the country from prison as well as anywhere else, if it comes to that. They'd probably let him have a phone, a laptop, a toupee, and visiting hours. But no matter from where he governs, we as good Americans must support him and give him a chance, no matter how much we disagree with him, because, ultimately, we're all on the same team.

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