Thursday, November 24, 2016

Voting For Trump, Then Being Betrayed

HAD I BUT VOTED FOR Donald J. Trump, I would not only most likely be an angry white working class male with a limited education and knowledge of public policy and just a smidge of well concealed redneck racism around the edges, but also I reckon I'd wax a mite wrathy 'long 'bout now, feeling mighty betrayed. What about them eleven point whatever illegal brown toned Mexicans you was a gonna chase back across the Rio? Did we the manifestly destined norde americano steal half their country back in 1848 for nuthin'? Plus, why aint Hillary in prison, without even the slightest trace of due process or evidence of actual criminal intent or activity? And why, oh why, Mr. prez elect, are you pandering to the mainstream bleeding heart liberal elite establishment and their cockeyed notion that injecting a mere billion or so tons of carbon into the atmosphere and leaving it there around the clock has any impact on the weather, by expressing your intent to be open minded about their silly anti-growth anti-capitalism disguised as concern for the welfare of the ecosystem of this man's planet? Then too, that liberal elite socialistic class warfare race baiting New York Times-Slimes, a "jewel"? What? And yet, were I a recent for Trump voter I would take heart. The likely incoming Attorney General, a southern caucasian, asserted that "good people do not smoke marijuana", and that groping women in their privates and bragging about it on camera is no crime, in this man's country. Yes, he said those things. You could look it up. Then too, the incoming Secretary of Education wants to transfer resources away from socialistic public education and into privately owned and operated for profit capitalistic education, and that's obviously a great idea. Conflict of interest? What conflict of interest? What's a few business interests scattered around the world compared with the urgency of the exigencies of public policy formation on behalf of the public welfare? Those proposed new hotels in China cannot possibly have any impact on diplomatic intercourse with the Chinese. One can build "exquisite and flawless" hotels, to quote Ivanka Trump, and negotiate with the sovereign government of a billion and a half people while simultaneously erecting tariff barriers, abrogating potential trade agreements, and initiating trade wars. Like Richard "tricky dick" Nixon articulated long ago, anything the president does, by definition, is legal, because, well, it is, after all, being done by the president.

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