Thursday, November 17, 2016

Learning To Think, and To Ignore Manure

THE PROBLEM WITH SOCIAL MEDIA is, as everyone who uses it knows, bullshit. Namely, the sheer amount of it encountered by any social mediator, which includes most of us. Hell, I'm even aware of all the crap and nonsense, and I have never logged on nor utilized Twitter, Facebook, nor any of the others. I guess I'm afraid of it. Social media seems from a distance to be a cesspool of verbal filth, with fake news reports circulating and enabling the twisting of minds. Am I dreaming, or is is true that on Facebook there is a great deal of posting pictures of pets and hate speech? The widely circulated notion that Michelle Obama is a transgender with two adopted children being a good example of the malarcky. To elect a president of teh United States who refrains by claiming that he or she is simply too busy to engage in social media, rather than one who gets into tweet wars with Hollywood celebrities at three o'clock in the morning might be helpful. We love social media so very much because it encourages, enables, and perpetuates bullshit, which is right up our human alley. We need our stories and narratives, and we needn't let any hint of truth get in the way of good ones. It might also be helpful to evolve a citizen body which readily discerns the difference between fact and fantasy, real news and phony news. we all need to know that the Pope has not endorsed Donald Trump, unless he really has, which, her in the real world, he has not, nor is likely to. Furthermore, there can be no harm with our being familiar with the fact that Hillary Rodham has a clean record, legally, and an even greater benefit would be for we the people to imaginatively put ourselves in the place pf a Secretary of State who dearly wants to become president later, and to ask ourselves,: "how likely is she to actually engage in treasonous criminal activity while coveting the presidency, with a seemingly halfway realistic chance of gaining the office? There are worse ways to spend one's time than marinating one's mind online immersed in manure, but not many, and there are few better ways than learning to think critically and intelligently by absorbing factual information, and learning to identify horse manure when one is knee deep in it.

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