Thursday, December 1, 2016

Mixing Conservatism and Christianity in America

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF when you think about the KKK, if you ever allow yourself to? Racism? Hatred of African-Americans? Maybe throw in a few Catholics, Jews, and queers? What are the fundamental principles and beliefs of the Klan? What's their ideology? When I think of the Ku Klux Klan, I think of two things: first, pure old fashioned ultra right wing conservatism. Second, devout Christianity. Konservatism and Kristianity, and Krosses, like two peas in a pod, embodied most strongly together in the Klan. The KKK is not a bunch of bleeding heart do gooder liberals, fighting for gay rights, socialism, gender and racial equality, vegetarianism, welfare, and replacing fossil fuels. Quite the opposite. The Klan is all about tradition, not change. The Klan is about property, freedom, guns,Bibles, and crosses. Traditional American values. The freedom to compete for and own as much property as you want, unhindered by government. Guns to protect the property, crosses to justify it. welcome to the Ku Klux Klan, and the tightly interwoven world of Konservatism and Kristianity. This tight interwoven christian conservatism extends well beyond the Klan. Its strongest in the Klan, but very strong in many other places, like the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the Klan. The home of Donald Trump, the republican party, alt right, the Tea party, and home of the vociferous and ultra conservative Christian community. Sometimes it seems as if half the American people belong to it. Give me the left wing liberal Christian type like Jesse Jackson any day. Here's a clue: the Christian conservative community hates Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, and outspoken black advocates of civil rights, for a reason. The reason is, Christian conservative based racism. The Jesus, guns, and money christian conservative crowd hates liberalism and any trace of liberal progress so passionately that no matter what President Obama does or says, they hate it. In America, racism is traditional, a traditional value. They offered Ben Carson as a token candidate to hide their racism, because he is a right winger. Pretty clever. In America, racism, like Christianity, lives in traditional conservatism, and always has. This body politic, the one which elected Trump, has only its Bibles, guns, and outdated values and ideas, so, it won't be around much longer.

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