Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Trusting In A Saner God

WE ALL WANT GOVERNMENT to be just big enough to have teh opportunity to do what we think best for ourselves and to impose our will on others. Any Christian conservative worth his or her salt morphs into a big government type at the mere mention of drugs, or crime, or abortion, or especially gun rights property rights and religious freedom, all of which are big government. Save the planet! Save the unborn! Save whatever I personally deem worthy of salvation, through whatever means necessary, including big government. Let's place limits on what a person can do with her own body, and her reproductive freedom. Get those drugs off the streets. Lock 'er up. Big government comes in very handy, at least once, in everyone's life. If abortion isn't murder, its too close for comfort. Do we want murder to be illegal? One way to legalize murder pro choice is to believe in God, devoutly. There is a decision to be made, since aborting a fetus is theoretically within the realm of possibility, like drinking or driving too fast. Abortion is a more important issue, the most important issue. Too important to be decided by humans. Let God decide. Leave it as a decision to be made by God, with the woman's agreement, and puny human government cast aside totally. God is perfect, therefore his creation is perfect, and his decisions, and since God makes all decisions by giving free will to humans, all outcomes are perfect. People who believe in the Christian version of God might wish to consider the possibility that their Judeo-Christian favors abortion, at least in some cases. On at least one occasion in the Bible, and in fact upon more than one, God orders people to dash out the brains of infants against boulders. One is loathe to imagine how many of the over forty million abortions that have taken place in the United States since 1973 were ordained by the Judeo-Christian God, and wept over by less powerful, saner ones. Some enlightened form of future humanity shall perhaps transcend the necessity of government. But not us.

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