Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Christian Conservative Cat Killer, and I

I HAVE A NINETY YEAR OLD friend who, although a Christian conservative, is a great guy. He buys into all the Jesus, guns, and Money crap, but still, seems nice. He told me he once brought home a young black cat, named it "Satan", and had only had the pet for about a week when, one day, he pulled a pot roast out of the oven, and set it on the kitchen table. He turned around for a minute, and when he looked back, he saw the cat tearing into the pot roast, unsurprisingly. he told me he shot to cat. For real. He told me he shot the cat. I damned near freaked. I did freak, but kept it inside, and didn't show it outwardly. Just sat there. You stupid bastard, you should have shot yourself, for being so stupid, so stupid as to leave a hot steaming pot roast sitting on the kitchen table and turning your back with a wild animal in the house. Like, I am so totally sure. Fucking dumb ass. Just shoot yourself, if you have to shoot somebody, and save yourself the eternal damnation of turning yourself into a cold blooded killer. Christian, conservative, eh? Career military man to boot. Have a plan, execute it, survey the environment, adjust, accomplish objective. Isn't that the military way? Get it done, and don't blame others for your mistakes. And what about Jesus? WWJD? But I didn't say any of that, and for that, I'm proud of myself. Why anger and lose a friend, just by telling the truth? I guarantee you, if I approach him at lunch at the senior center and suggest that maybe he should have simply turned the cat out into the street all those years ago, or given it to someone else, to at least give it a chance, my friend, being a damned Christian conservative, will not own up to the fact that I am right, and say "yeah, I shoulda done that". Oh no. Instead, he'll have some convoluted, twisted, pseudo intellectual Rush Limbaugh sounding bullshit of a reason why he actually did the right thing. I guarantee it. We'll see. I'll find out, and report the results. America, hold your breath.

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