Thursday, December 15, 2016

Getting To the bottom Of Trump (it aint pretty down there)

REPORTEDLY THERE WERE seventy thousand ballots cast in Detroit on which there was no vote for president. Its hard to imagine even one person being smart enough and capable enough to get to the polling place and cast a vote on every race and issue, but leave the "president of the U.S." blank. Why do that? Its even harder to imagine seventy thousand doing so in one city, or precinct. Particularly in this election, where most Americans voted for the lesser of two evils for president anyway. You can always vote against someone, if you don't like anyone. Surely, those seventy thousand people hated one of the two candidates for president enough to vote against him or her, just like the rest of us. Just in theory, if, by chance, all seventy thousand blank presidential ballots were Hillary Clinton votes that got deliberately erased, it cost her the state of Michigan, and maybe the election. If the Russians did it, and Putin and Trump knew about it, Trump must be prevented from becoming president. It might be worthwhile to find out. Just today it came out that Putin indeed knew about it. Did Donald? What about the computer science professor at the University of Michigan who first suggested the election was rigged in Michigan? Is he possibly planning to check into the computers in Detroit? Every day more information is coming out concerning Russian hacking during the election, Putin, and Trump, and what they know about it. It would seem that people are determined to get to the bottom of it, as they say. Throughout the campaign Trump insisted that the election was fixed, or rigged, against him. Meanwhile, he cozied up to Putin. Then, the CIA announces that the election was indeed rigged, or interfered with, by the Russians, and that they were trying to help Trump. Then, a state court in Michigan controlled by republicans stopped the recount, for a phony reason, after computer scientists suggested the state might have been rigged, and a recount had applied for, for good reason. This is all very fishy, and becoming fishier. But it looks like we have a chance to find out the truth, if only a remote one.

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