Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama Strong, Trump Weak

PRESIDENT OBAMA, in his continuing attempt to "Trump proof" the White House, finally punished the Russians for their perfidious and nefarious computer hacking during the election campaign. Actually, of course, the target is Putin and his ruling gang of thugs, not the Russian people proper, who are far different and better than their government, as it is in America too. What will Donald Trump do? He says he thinks we should just forget the thole thing, and move on. Is he going to reverse Obama's sanctions and other punitive measures? Congress, including republicans, agrees with Obama, and says that Obama's actions were long overdue. The republicans said further that the actions are necessary, only because of Russia's aggressive and bad behavior, and that this behavior never would have happened if Obama hadn't been weak and indecisive. So, you see, all bad Russian behavior is Obama's fault, or blame, or cause. As if Barack Hussein Obama is so powerful as to be able to turn Russia into an aggressive country. The American conservative community generates more insane conspiracy theories than all other wacky organizations combined. Who is really the weak one? When China stole an American drone, Obama got it back. Trump said he would have told the Chinese to keep it. The problem with blithely overlooking Russia's cyber attacks on American cyberspace and "moving on" is that it will provide perfect incentive for Putin and his gang to keep doing the same thing, and maybe more aggressive things. Obama keeps being strong in dealing with china, and Russia, Trump keeps talking like a weakling. We'll see how he behaves, when the chips are down.

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