Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Mr. Trump, Drawing the Line

FOR DONALD J.TRUMP, albeit without authority, to have summarily canceled a government contract with a large corporation is auspicious. But he'll want to start getting his facts straight. Either way, we the people do not need to be spending four billion, or anything close to that amount, on a flying oval office and vacation spa. Donald, the corporation slayer. Donald said, and this is a Quote heard by millions: "we want Boeing to make a lotta money, but not that much money." So there you have it. Donald J. Trump comes right out and says there is a limit to how much money a business should make. What is the limit? Something less than four billion, evidently. This requires a limit on how much money individuals can make, because obviously there cannot be people making more than businesses produce. Now we have to decide what that limit should be. Donald Trump, pragmatic and flexible, leaning socialistic! How much do golf courses, casinos, and luxury hotels really contribute to the economy, to society, to the world? Or should first grade teachers be the billionaires? Business and people should each earn exactly as much as they contribute to society, and would, if the general population, and the norms and values and morals it creates, made any sense at all, had anything whatsoever to do with social value, or were in the least sane. So long as our society places more value on entertainment than education and health, we'll get what we create, billionaire entertainers and impoverished teachers, caregivers, and artists. But at least we have a president elect who draws the line at four billion dollar airplanes, and that's a start.

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