Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christian Socialistic Reconciling At the Yuletide

YET ANOTHER STUDY reveals that inequality of income and wealth are only getting more extreme in America, if that's even possible. Get the study at CNN. And no, this is not a hoax by a liberal propaganda media outlet. This is hard core fact based research conducted by professionals seeking only truth, who found it. The truth is frightening. Any conservative worth its salt will tell you that the phrase "redistribution of wealth", or "confiscation of hard earned wealth in the form of taxation by the government" is as dirty as the phrase "liberal", and maybe come close to making you believe it. But don't be brainwashed by the slick right wing propaganda machine. Rather, render unto Caesar, unlike the president elect. Its what Jesus said to do, and Jesus had the answers. By redistributing wealth from the very narrow top to the very broad bottom we stimulate the economy by increasing demand by expanding the market by creating a whole new group of consumers with spendable money. Socialism and capitalism work beautifully together, as Jesus understood. As we prepare to celebrate, and in fact are already celebrating the birth of the central figure and savior of the Christian religion, let us take to heart his words "render unto Caesar", and "go thy way, and sell whatsoever thou hast, and give unto the poor", not only because Jesus said to and it makes us feel good, but because it is sound, intellectually sold economic strategy to heal the economy and our society and to bring prosperity to all. As we wish each other a very merry Christmas, let's envision Trump and Bernie Sanders, in front of the fireplace with egg nog, together plotting for future prosperity for all, with economic creativity, and truthful reconciliation.....PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH OTHERS.THANKS!

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