Monday, December 5, 2016

Cooperating, by Communicating

REGARDLESS OF HOW ONE FEELS ABOUT, say, Donald Trump, one must strive to be fair and reasonable. In this spirit, was it a good idea for Mr. Trump to engage in a telephone conversation with the president of Taiwan recently, even though no American president has done that since 1979, and to do so violates an agreement the U.S. has with China? A fair and relevant question, if ever there were one. Since Mr. trump is not yet president, it could be argued that no agreement was violated, because the phone call involved the president of Taiwan, and a private American citizen, albeit the president elect. That argument might hold a very limited amount of water. The reason for this agreement with China is that China has a "one China" policy, in which Taiwan is not an alternative China, but rather, a breakaway province which should and shall one day be reunited with the mainland. China insists that the U.S. respect and acknowledge its one china policy. The Taiwanese government and people might beg to differ, as might the United States and the rest of the world. Its all about self determination, isn't it? Abraham Lincoln didn't recognize the CSA either; maybe he should have. Trump's bombastic twitter tweet arguments that he didn't need permission from China to speak with Taiwan because China didn't get his permission before building military bases in the south Pacific or devaluing its own currency is really stupid, in the best Donald Trump fashion. What he should have said is: "international cooperation and progress requires communication.", and just leave it at that. No need to be rhetorically aggressive when plain common sense logical will do just fine. Effective communication and deal making, that should be Trump's motto, and that should be his justification for talking to people, including the Taiwanese head of state......SUPPORT CREATIVE WRITING. SEND IN A COMMENT, OR SUBMIT AN ARTICLE! THANKS!

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