Monday, December 12, 2016

Trump Self Destructing Early

WOULDN'T IT BE HORRIBLE to constantly crave attention, to hate being alone so badly that you felt as if you were constantly alone, even when in a crowd, to desperately need positive reinforcement, from friends and strangers alike, and to be so sensitive that the slightest negative criticism or comment was a stab in the back making a gaping emotional wound. Sometimes the very people who are the most aggressive, the most vicious at lashing out and slashing at others, are the most sensitive to negative criticism about themselves. People like this must live in an ever present emotional vortex, with their own energy swirling around them, threatening to engulf them at the slightest provocation. For a very long time now, many people have noticed that Donald Trump simply does not have the temperament necessary to be president of the United States, that he is way too aggressive and angry, way too spontaneous and thoughtless in his speech, and way too sensitive to criticism directed at himself. He threatens to sue anyone who dares make an unpleasant comment about him, no matter how accurate and true it is. Trump viciously attacks anyone and everyone on twitter, where he is perceived as popular, and he has a barrier between him and the world. Then, when people call his lies lies, he lashes out verbally. But how many press conferences has he had recently, looking straight at people asking hum touch questions which he can't control? Trump shows the typical behavior of bullies; and, like all bullies, is really a sissy, and frightened little coward hiding, who knows very well how to hide. His presidency is not going to be a pleasant one for him, because he will alienate too many people, invite too much justified criticism through his careless words and actions, and respond too strongly to the criticism. He has already begun doing this by his attitude towards the CIA, and the Russians, and members of congress. Stay tuned. There's much more to come.

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