Monday, December 26, 2016

Criticizing Trump For Free

RIGHT NOW, OBAMA could win an election against Trump. Trump's cabinet picks, and his statements since his election have enhanced buyers remorse, while Obama is leaving popular, mainly because he's been a good president who did a lot of good things for the country, including Obamacare. His only big foreign policy mistake might have been taking too many troops out of Iraq too soon, and allowing the Islamic State to fill the vacuum. Its possible that nothing would have worked, that Iraq was and is a lost cause. Obama's critics have to invent complaints against him, like accusing him of having been born in Kenya. All Trump's critics need do is quote Trump's words, which speak volumes in exposing Trump's clever sounding idiocy. Kellyanne Conway issued a threatening warning against Trump's critics, hinting that people who cross the line in criticizing Trump might face legal action, lawsuits, charges of libel and slander. What a joke. What a bimbo. Kellyanne Conway may be a genius, a genius who guided Donald J.Trump to a seemingly unlikely election victory, but she sounds like a bimbo when she speaks, which, as Trump's main spokesperson is often. But it'll take a room full of super computer geniuses to guide this reprobate Trump, who has an emotional intelligence of a third grader, through more than a few minutes of his sure to be sham of a presidency. Trump wants to change the libel laws in America to allow him to go after people who criticize him. Trump, himself a smear merchant who verbally attacks anyone he chooses with extreme viciousness, is whining that people should not be allowed to slander him. What a joke. Its all too funny, these stupid, narcissistic people who are so terribly sensitive and fearful of criticism. Trump hasn't even begun hearing criticism, and there isn't a damned thing he can do to stop it. It has already begun, and it is increasing every day, and will increase every day as long as Trump is president, if he ever become president, if nothing happens to him beforehand. Sometimes helicopters crash and burn. Every day Trump says or does something so stupid or so mean and vicious that millions of people have long since gotten tired of him, and are getting more tired of him daily. All criticism of Trump is valid, and he brings it on himself by his words and actions. Trump has a big mouth, and he can dish it out, but he cannot take it, like most bullies, and his inability to handle criticism is going to be his downfall.......THANKS FOR VISITING. PLEASE COME BACK!

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