Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tweeting To Save the World

NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO (NPR) is a great alternative to television. It has great programming twenty four seven, and costs nothing. It does not so much embody a liberal slant as it avoids echoing the conservative viewpoint found so pervasively throughout much of mainstream American media. For this reason conservatives tend to despise national public radio, great treasure that it is. One clever conservative called NPR "National Panhandler Radio", a reference to the on the air fund raisers used to support the network. As usual, a conservative got it wrong. A panhandler begs for money without offering anything in return. NPR inundates people with what it gives in return. NPR, the commentators who speak on it, don't seem too fond of either Trump or Putin, and yet, at least one commentator expressed a hopeful, optimistic attitude towards the forthcoming relationship between the two large egos with strong power bases. They point to the fact that both men seem to want to have a reset, to begin Russian - American relations anew, to have good relations, and, perhaps even friendship. Trump has for months openly admired Putin, and Putin appears to like Trump. Indeed, Putin appears to have rigged the election in the U.S. to ensure Trump's election. Friends help friends get elected. Regrettably, it will take much more than exploratory desire by Trump and Putin to make the wonderful dream of American-Russian friendship come true. It will take people, many people, other than Trump and Putin; namely, new, saner political leaders, and hundreds of millions of good hearted people, ready to build bridges. The latter exists, and is in fact already in place, latent, but full of promise. We the people are getting stronger, better educated, and more aware of each other and the need for a sustainable world. The leaders, regrettably, are all wrong. A pair of angry, paranoid, aggressive ego maniacs will not do the trick. If anything, Putin and Trump will end up at each other's throats, and take the rest of us with them, to destruction. We the masses in Russia and America must take control of the situation, before its too late. as you log on to twitter today, compose a clever one hundred and forty letter message urging the world to rid itself of nukes, climate change, and the nightmarish leadership of Putin and Trump together. Since everyone in the world logs on to twitter, this might be a tweet filled day. And don't forget national Public Radio. Its better than television.

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