Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Letting The Whole Pack In

YOU HAVE TO GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE. Absolutely, under nearly all conditions, you have to. Especially if you happen to be convinced the your new president elect is unsuitable. But unless I'm dreaming, and I assure you I hope I am, the president elect is appointing people to the leadership of government agencies and departments whose only intention will be to either weaken considerably, or destroy entirely the very agencies and departments with which they are entrusted. The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, has been waging a war against the EPA for years, filing lawsuits against it, advocating a reduction in its regulatory authority, receiving financial assistance from the fossil fuel industry while advocating government support for the fossil fuel industry and dismissing sustainable environmentally friendly technologies such as solar and wind energy. Does that sound like the kind of EPA director we want? Shouldn't whoever heads the EPA be at least open to the possibility of saving the environment, if not a zealous crusader for protecting it at all costs? Similarly, Trump's labor secretary appointee does not like labor unions or raising minimum wage, Trump's selection to head the department of education does not like public education, and wants to support charter schools, publicly funded private schools, which in general do not work well. Trump's choice to head the department of justice has a history of racism, and his future secretary of the interior has no problem with drilling and mining on government land. The president elect's choice to head the department of energy is a person who has always believed that the department of energy should be eliminated, and couldn't think of the department of energy's name during an iconic presidential debate moment. Public housing will be in the surgeon's hands of a man who does not believe in government assistance for the poor, Dr. Ben Carson. And the beat goes on. Not only is there a wolf in the hen house, there is an entire pack of them, in all the hen houses, ravenous, ready to kill. All because Trump hates these departments, and wants them to fail. This could be described as treason, working for parts of your own government to fail. It might be nice if the president elect for once would appoint someone to a job which the person is interested in doing, rather than destroying.

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