Thursday, December 15, 2016

Conservatives, Kicking and Screaming About Climate Change

ALL UP AND DOWN the east coast, its the same story. In Miami Beach, it floods every day at high tide, rain or shine. Along coastal Carolina, flooding is becoming way too frequent. The Pentagon says that the naval base at Norfolk VA will have to be relocated, or end up underwater, which is a lot for a building to say. Along Chesapeake Bay, landowners are noticing their shoreline is being encroached upon by rising water, and the New York City subway system is getting damp. Also, we know about those islands in the south Pacific, vanishing beneath the waves, like Atlantis. Can we all agree that there is a pattern here, a trend, and that its only going to get worse, not better? Only an American conservative could possibly think that the rising sea level will "go away", or stop happening, or isn't really happening at all. That, in a nutshell, is why we need a leader for the Environmental Protection Agency who accepts the reality of human made climate change and wants to protect the environment at all costs, rather than one who wants to protect it only if doing so doesn't limit corporate profits or cost too much money. Take a wild guess as to which kind Mr. Trump intends to appoint. The time has come, long since, to push the panic button on climate change, and organize the whole of humanity to fight it, tooth and nail, and either sink or swim, knowing we did our best - "Swim" here means survival of life on earth long term, "sink" means imminent extinction, which at this point seems more likely, due to the regrettable fact that we are not doing our best, yet, to prevent it. But there are positive signs, notwithstanding the seemingly disastrous election of Donald Trump and his right wing anti-environment administration. American conservatives are starting to catch on, belatedly. They're only about forty years too late, but hey, for conservatives, that aint bad. Now, instead of saying that man made climate change is a Chinese and liberal hoax, they are starting to say equally lame but less insane things like "all the data on climate change is still not in". God, how brilliant. All the data is still not yet in, either, on evolution, calculus, relativity, nuclear physics, and planetary astronomy, Sherlock, but we know they exist, right? No, we cannot predict with exact certainty how many millimeters of sea level rise will take place on Christmas Day 2020, that's true. Yet, sea level rise is really and truly happening, right before our very eyes. Even American conservatives understand that eventually they must accept reality, but you can count on them to do so only with the greatest reluctance, kicking, screaming, denying.

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