Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Making America Great Again

THERE IS A PATTERN HERE. Western military powers dominate the middle east and Africa for decades, through colonialism, for the purpose of exploiting resources, such as oil, and, instead of helping developing countries, destabilize them, impoverish them, destroy them. Then a flood of refugees issues forth from the devastated countries, much of it directed at the very imperial powers which facilitated the misery which precipitated the refugee crisis. Inundated by a flood of refugees, people with dark skin and the wrong religion, anti-immigration, anti-free trade, pro nationalistic political movements emerge throughout Europe and the United States, advocating for closed borders, reduction in public welfare programs, nationalism, and racial and ethnic inequality. Its ugly, and its here, in America, with the election of Trump and the republicans. Block out Mexico with a wall. Keep out the Muslims. Build more nuclear weapons. Do not take any action to protect the environment if it slows the growth of corporate capitalism. Anger. Aggression. Astute academicians are beginning to recognize that the conservative movement in America, and particularly the republican party, is the most dangerous organization in world history, because it advocates for policies which will lead to the extinction of the human species. Extreme right wing political ideology is currently gaining popularity, and we can only hope and assume that it will run its course soon, and return to the abyss whence it came. We do not need another nuclear arms race, or a trade war, or a fortress America with no cultural exchange. Nor do we need the high security police state we have been building since nine one one, and, with right wing encouragement, continue to build today. This is a military-industrial monstrosity in which the corporate oligarchy knows everything about everybody, mainly by merely keeping track of Facebook, and the government uses its powers under the Patriot Act to surveille us all. Your best bet to stay safe is to end each and every phone conversation, email, or tweet with a hearty "God bless the NSA!"

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