Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Giving Trump A Chance (To Come To His Senses)

NOT LONG AFTER ELECTION DAY, I pledged to give Donald Trump a chance, like a good American. I have been doing that ever since. Meanwhile Trump has made one disastrous decision after another, and has put the country, and the world with it, squarely on the road to ruin. Now, a mere six weeks after his election, one month before he becomes president, "giving Trump a chance" means utilizing any and every possible means to convince him to change course, and reverse nearly every decision he has made since election day. Undoubtedly just about everyone realizes that there's a fat chance of that, although Trump has indeed displayed a flexible willingness to change his mind, to reverse his own decisions. So, we can, we must have hope. A case in point is his insane statement that he wants to increase the number of atomic bombs in the possession of the United States. alarming as that is, nearly as alarming is Newt Gingrich's agreement with it, and the likelihood that most of Trump's supporters and everyone in his administration will express agreement with and support of this horrible insanity. A little knowledge of America's conservative community is enough to tell you that. Perhaps there is the faint hope that some or all of the christian segment of the conservative community, which is mot of the conservative community, will oppose beating plowshares into swords. The time to add nukes is long since passed. We tried mutually assured destruction and arms racing decades ago, found it didn't work well enough, and moved on. For several decades now we have been slowly but steadily reducing the world's stockpiles of nuclear weapons, and we must at this point continue this reduction until there are none left. Thirty years ago Gorbachev made a proposal to Reagan to eliminate all nuclear weapons; Reagan turned him down. Now e must support Trump and give him a chance to come to his senses, and stop talking like some cold war monger from the nineteen fifties. Would somebody please post a tweet saying something like "no more nukes", and get two other people to do the same, then get those two people to get two other people each, until everybody in the world has so tweeted? Nothing short of a global twitter revolution will compel the world's leaders to behave responsibly.

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