Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Drawing the Line At Stupidity

I LIVE IN A very small town in a very small state in a very large country, the United States. Unless there is a progressive neighborhood around my house that I don't know about, I am one of the few people in my town who believes in evolution, climate change, and I am one of the few if not the only person in town who does not believe that the Bible is the Word of God. So, it gets lonely. I cannot accept people who do not believe in evolution or climate change as my intellectual equals, I cannot take them seriously, I cannot respect their opinions. Evolution and climate change are not matters of opinion, they are not opinions, they are clearly demonstrated fact, like calculus, relativity, or nuclear physics, and to not believe in them is worse than ridiculous, no matter where you live. Evolution is not a bad guess, as Anthony Scalia said, it is proven fact. Climate change is not a hoax, as half of all American conservatives insist, it is right in front of our faces. If you can't accept that, sorry, but I can't hang out with you because no matter what you have to offer me, great as it may be, I cannot accept people who cannot accept simple, obvious reality and truth. You have to draw the line somewhere, and the survival of life on earth seems as good a place as any. And, by the same token, I simply cannot understand how anybody could have paid attention to the recent election campaign for over a year, and listened to what the candidates said - and then voted for Trump. I can't respect the mentality or the thought process of anyone who did that, sorry. It became obvious t me very early what a horrible candidate trump was, even though at first I supported him. It should have become obvious to everyone, later if not sooner. Now, its too late, and we are doomed. There's going to be a nuclear war, and the earth's environment is going to become unsuitable for life. All because of a few thousand votes in a couple of swing states.

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