Thursday, December 29, 2016

Trump Supporting Israel, Really?

THE FACT THAT JEWS EXIST is good evidence that there is something to the Old Testament, although we really don't know if Moses existed, or whether Jehovah did away with fifty thousand and seventy Philistines as punishment for someone taking a peak inside a sacred wooden box. Nor do we even know whether the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 was such a good idea, considering the number of non Jewish people who were already living there at the time, and the sheer number of wars and acts of violence the establishment of Israel engendered, compared to pre Israeli statehood. Its questionable. Opinions vary. But here it sits, and is another in a long list of questions over which the United States disagrees with most of the world. The U.S., which is a great military power, tends to pick and choose which United Nations resolutions, actions, and organizations it approves of and supports, and whether and when and how much to contribute. If every nation behaved like the U.S. in U.N. matters, there would be no U.N..Right at the end of his second and final term, Obama grows a backbone, and tries to Trump proof the future, to the extent that he can. He declares huge new protected wilderness areas, destroys lists of Muslims, preserves scientific research concerning global warming, and takes one final parting shot at Israel. Obama wanted to withhold support for Israel one more time, for old time sake. Thus, the United States condescends to allow the United Nations to condemn Israel's community construction activities, its notorious and infamous building of new settlements on disputed land. Or maybe the Israelis are simply being kind enough to build cities and towns for the incoming Palestinians. But somehow you have to doubt it. Now comes Trump, already talking as if he is going to be the savior of the entire situation. No matter how much hot air Trump blows out avidly supporting Israel, the rest of the world does not seem to agree, and there may just be a limit to how much Trump and the United States can continue to impose its will beyond its own borders........PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT THIS WEBSITE. THANKS!

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