Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pushing the Nuclear-Trump Panic Button

I GOT HOME from a Christmas light tour, went online, and noticed that Donald Trump tweeted that the United States should, or must, or whatever it was, strengthen and build up our nuclear bomb arsenal until the world comes to its senses about nuclear bombs. I swear to God, that's what he said, or basically what he said. Go look it up. If anybody needs to "come to their senses", its we the United States, and building still more atomic bombs would only prove it. Disclaimer: I don't go twitter. But Trump, like any good healthy adolescent, does, and his spewings are always reported, right away. When you read it, you won't believe it. Its worse than I thought. For several months now Trump has reminded me of Hitler, and this proves or at the lest provides further indication, that I was right. We are in terrible danger, as a nation, as a world, and we must prevent Trump from taking office. We the American people already have more nuclear bombs than all the other countries in the world combined, and the last thing we need or want to do is build and have more. Trump is bending over backwards to message that he likes Putin, and wants better relations with Russia. where do the new nuclear bombs fit in? Does that make any sense? Putin responded with this quote: "This is not new. Trump already said he wanted a stronger military. Our (Russia's) military is stronger than any aggressor"... Isn't there something a bit ominous about this? Does this sound like a friendship that is going to work long term? We need a president with good judgment, and maybe just a pinch of sanity, not one who would have told the Chinese to keep the drone, not one with no trace of a sane game plan. We need to send about three hundred millions messages to Trump, by email, tweet, snail mail, megaphone, whatever it takes. As you know, building more nukes will only start an arms race with many other countries, and lead to nuclear war and total human annihilation. Trump doesn't see that, the idiot. We must make him see it, before its too late. One does not prevent violence by accumulating weapons, contrary to traditional conservative ideology. Only by the elimination of weapons are weapons put aside, and peace preserved.

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