Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Trump, Transacting

Donald Trump, rumor has it, ever the trans-actor, is back at it again, transacting. It seems to be more than a rumor. Word is he approached the fossil fuel industry and made it, them, the boys, an offer they cannot possibly refuse. The genuine stuff of mafia mob movies. Don, the godfathah. All it will take, said the Don, is a one billion dollar contribution to his campaign-personal bank account, and he, the next president of these United States, promises, with a blood oath, to deregulate the fossil fuel industry, to get the government the hell out of the way of not only corporate profiteering, but of fossil fueled corporate societal hegemony to boot. Since the Don has long been a "made man", the boys'll doubtless lap up the generous offer in a heartbeat, lest their brains be placed upon the table. Never mind that inconvenient little thing, the forthcoming election. He wants his money now, in small bills, because even if the media and the ballot boxes and the vote counters and those damned dishonest cheating computers say he loses, he says he won. It is amazing that the Donster even has the time to stay on the line for a conference call, considering his busy schedule. Flitting and jetting from courtroom to courtroom all day every day is a full time job for most people, even if you take an occasional nap while seated at the defense table. But not for a stable genius, it seems. After all, was it not he who, early in his presidency, boasted of being a world class multi-tasker,a magic man who could run both his business empire and these United States sumultaneously, presumaby both "businesses", Trump world and the U.S.A., one in each of his small hands? Yes, it was. Never let a trifling inconvenience like the constitution's "emolument clause" get in the way of a good juggling act. I can make this happen, he assures his fellow billionaire corporate control freaks. Just leave it to me, he assures the chief execs of Exxon, Chevron, and all the other criminal enterprises. I have ways of getting things done. A few friends of mine, the Don assures his fellow mob bosses, who happen to be collectors of fine firearms, already know how to get to the Capitol, and what to do when they get there. The Don's organization is strong and vibrant, and everybody is loyal, or else... he leaves the room, and hops in the limo, to the jetport, to the helicopter, and exsits. Off to the next criminal defense table in the next courtroom. Officially, he was never even there, of course. Nobody squeals, or else. The little get together never happened....Now, where I come from, the way I was raised,unless I'm dreaming, this is called "bribery", or maybe "solicitation of bribery", or "fraud", or "extortion", or "crime". You name it, your choice. But things have changed. Namely, morality, and societal standards of proper professional behavior. Now, one can down dress.And, best of all, if there is one thing the Don knows, he can always count of the unconditional loyalty of his largest crimiinal organization of all; his seventy million member mob,the Republican party, the MAGA cult gang. Hell, after all this, they'll love him ever the more. For he is the Don, conservative America adores gangsters, and with every crime comes more adoration.

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