Thursday, May 9, 2024

Banning Banning Critical Race Theory

CRITICAL RACE THEORY, as most people have no idea, is an area of academic, scholarly research, largely within the field of legal scholarship. It asks the question: is, and if so so to what extent and degree, is racism inherent, embedded within the American legal system? By extension, it attempts, when going out on a limb, to ask the same question of American culture in general, concerning American institutions generally. It arrives quite easily at the obvious answer, "yes", and continues from there. It can become a bit cumbersome, inundated with facts, figures, and a comprehensive analysis thereof. American conservatives, by nature disinclined to respect scientific studies or intellectual inquiry generally, despise CRT. They, incredibly, seem to regard the study of racism in America as racism. As if, by comparison, when one studies war, one is warring, or by studying history, one is making history. In conservative, regressive states like, for instance, Arkansas, it is illegal to not only teach but to even make mere mention of CRT, even though CRT is much more suited to law school than high school. What good political science, history, and sociology teahers should do and often do do in high school classes is to teach about racism itself; the history of it, and, profoundly, its obvious presence in contemporary America. However, it is, essentially, illegal in most conservative "red' states to duly inform students that there is racism in these United States. It is illegal to teach the truth. Teachers are required to lie to, indoctriante, and mislead their students. When they dare tell the truth, they are accused of "indoctrinating" students. it is the opponents of CRT who are actually doing the indoctrinating, indoctrinating children with the false narrative that the United Staes is not a racist country, that racism in America, if it ever existed at all, no longer does. Conservatives prefer to pretend, for example, that there were benefits to slaves from being enslaved, incredibly. Once in a blue moon, federal judges come to the rescue, and save the country from the idiotic insanity of far right wing extremist dishonest indoctrination. This happened in Arkansas when a federal judge ruled that banning the mention of Critical Race Theory, prohibiting all mention of extant racism in public schools, is unconstitutional. And thus begins the interminable process whereby the appellate process leads ultimately to the Supreme Court of these United states, itself now a far right wing extremist entity. In the high court, several years hence, it is easy to imagine the conservative justices reinstating the Arkansas ban on reality. The upshot is that, at the end of a very long and arduous day, nothing will change. Conservatives in conservative states will continue to insist that racism does not exist, and progressives will continue to prove that it does, to no avail. Ironically, it is the racists themselves, the conservative community, which insists so sternuously that they are not racists, and that racism does not exist. If it does exist, they say, then it comes into existence when and only when progressive intellectuals and teachers merely mention it. Since teachers have college degrees, they are generally intelligent and educated, and therefore tend to be progressive, rather than conservative. As long as people with college degrees are appointed to positions as federal judges, there is hope that reality in public education will prevail. But it is faint, and, in some places, rapidly fading.

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