Saturday, May 25, 2024

Going To Facebook Jail

 I GOT INTO TROUBLE WITH FACEBOOK, again, spent a day in jail, The food was crappy, but the company was wonderful. A bunch of malcontent progressive complainers, like myself. This, if memory serves, was the third time.When one commits multiple crimes, as Mr. Trump well  knows, one loses track of such matters, and can make misleading comments about one's legal difficulties, intentionally or otherwise. My first offense occurred several years ago, when I saw a post consisting of a picture of a dead elephant, and in front of him a man was standing, in camo gear, a high powered rifle in his hand, ad big, smirky, self satisfied smile on his murderous visage. I wanted to kill him, and said so. My exact words were: "I had rather see the elephant standing over the dead punk's body".  Advocacy of violence. One day in cyber jail. Guilty as charged,  Again the crappy food and good company. I stand by what I said then: I hope the  murdering bastard is dead and ashes scattered, his sordid soul eternally burning in some sordid Christian conservative version of hell, and I hope and trust the beautiful elephant is in sweet elephant animal heaven, romping with friends, munching sweet grass. I am content to wear my false imprisonment like a badge of  honor, which it is. The second  occasion occurred several days ago, when I made a particularly unpleasant remark about one of America's former presidents. I and millions of other Facebookers make unpleasant remarks about that particular insurrectionist early an often without any holy corporate retribution; this one, I freely admit, was a bit over the top. But again, my badge of honor. Then, the third offense. A stormy one this time. Someone posted an alleged comment made by the now notorious Stormi Daniels, something about a client of hers who failed to perform, then rolled over and went to sleep. But hey, she supposedly said, its a job, and I got paid. Only, she apparently did not actually say that, and Facebook let me know that she did not, even going to the trouble of showing me the transcript of her recent sworn testimony in open courts, which I neglected to read, it being too salacious for my prudish sensitivities. Again, the day in forced digital confinement, the lousy food, the good company. Imagine that, Facebook, so pure  and gallant and virtuous as to staunchly, righteously defend the dignity and integrity and virtue of one Stormi Daniels, and the integrity virtue and honor of one Donald J. Trump, criminal-i-chief. So now I have become a three times loser, and am grateful than in the fun house of Facebook nation, three strikes and you are not out. A corporation can be very forgiving when its advertising revenue depends on it. Community standards, my MAGA hating ass. There is one thing for which one must give Facebook credit; when they defend, they defend. Any corporate entity willing to stick up for a murderer who is proud of his killing, willing to stick up for an attractive prostitute, any body willing to defend the honor of an utterly honorless  criminal traitorous former autocrat, will most assuredly defend the honor of damned near anybody.

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