Friday, May 10, 2024

Choosing Between Insurrectionists and Immigrants

THE FACEBOOK POST was stark, meaningful, replete with overtones. On top was a potograph taken at the United States Mexican border, a photo like we have all seen repeatedly, of a horde of refugee immigrants massed on the poverty side of a tall barbed wire fence, tents, backpacks, brightly colored T shirts and sneakers adorning young, stolid, hardened faces. In nothing else, Hispanic refugees manage to dress in bright colors; they look better than I do, better than white conservative Christians, attire wise, as well dressed, even while living outdoors for weeks, than most Americans. On the bottom of the split screen facebook post, another iconic photograph, of hordes of MAGA mobsters massed outside the U.S.Capitol,climbing up the walls, breaking down doors, smashing windows, many wearing those all too familiar red MAGA ball caps,angry grimaces,mouths wide open, screaming, Christian nationalist banners, Trump banners. Their attire, overall, less fetching than that of the refugees. The caption made clear the message of the person who posted the dueling juxtaposed pictures; "I would rather have the these people (the refugees) than these people (the insurrectionists). Then, on down the screen, scroll bait, the numerous comments, trailing on down and out of view on the computer screen. Folks were weighing in. Most of them said "so would I". Or something similar. They would rather engage with, welcome, and share citizenship with; the refugees, rather than the MAGA insurretionists. I agreed with them. Do not doubt that I did likewise, posted a comment. What I typed and posted among the other posts was "any decent person would". Any decent person would prefer Hispanic refugees to MAGA violent insurrectionists, asserted I. Then the MAGA magots descended upon me. "your an idiot" (they can't spell). "Biden is a traitor, you fool", responded some MAGA fool. (anyone who does not think America is already great, rather than being in need of being made great "again", is, it seems to me, by definition, a traitor. MIGA: America is great already!). I quickly typed in: "well, at least Biden hasn't organized a violent mob and tried to overthrow the United States government by insurrection", I retorted. (that seemed, and seems, as Jefferson might say, self evident". Actually Franklin said that, and forced Jefferson to use the phrase, in the declaration of Independence. instead of "sacred an undeniable, which, to Frankin, sounded too preachy, insufficiently scientific). Then, I blocked him, the MAGAt, like flushing a toilet. He must have felt frustrated when he typed some horrible insult, like calling me a liberal idiot, only to find that he couldn't hurl it. The verdict is in; Trump supporters, largely self described "Christians", prefer violent criminal insurrectionists to foreign refugees whose reason for trying to enter the United States is to look for work, to feed their families, to survive. Christians. Trump supporters. I repeat; any decent person would prefer to hang out with, to welcome into their lives Latin American illegal undocumented immigrants than insurrectionists, rather than Trump supporters, who, undeniably, are the true traitors, as any deent person can and should surmise.

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