Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Banning Honest Medical Care For Kids

SOUTH CAROLINA, I believe, has become the twenty fifth state to ban gender affirming health care for people under eighteen years of age. All twenty five of these non great states are, predictably "red" states, states dominated by conservative Christian  voters, politicians,  dogma, ideals, insanity. A transgender young person, needing medical attention, will be required by law to receive said treatment as if he or she were still of the gender on his or her birth certificate, the gender into which he or she was born, instead of the gender into which he or she has transitioned, by choice,  or by urgent necessity.  Thus continues the extremist Christian conservative crusade to impose its malignant agenda upon what could, would, and should be a more rational, intelligent America. People have the unalienable right to wear and color their hair as they choose, to dress as they choose, to weigh whatever they choose. People in America also have the right to be homosexual , although  until recently they did not, with homosexuality being a criminal offense until recently in the land of liberty, the land of the free. In our modern age of advanced technology and medicine, when we replace knees and hips with titanium replicas, and remove a human heart and replace it with that of another, and so the same with livers and kidneys, restructuring sex organs is a criminal offense, only because of the sexual fears and inhibitions of the self proclaimed morally superior. Because heterosexual conservative evangelical Christians are what they are, so should everyone else be, so they are impelled by their mental illness to believe. Whereas these criminally insane religious fanatics will fight like hell to prevent government from regulating the economy to prevent corporate exploitation of workers, in the name of freedom, and will support like hell a criminal politician like Donald Trump, they will oppose equally strenuously the right  of women to control their own bodies and reproductive freedom. The economic freedom to exploit they advocate is worker exploitation. The alleged morality they seek to impose upon the nation is not only immoral, it is the antithesis of fundamental human decency. They seek not freedom of religion, but rather, the  imposition upon the nation of a malignant religious based agenda. Their opponents seek religious freedom in a country which guarantees it in its constitution. One should be hardly surprised, for these are the "human beings" who worship a diabolical deity who slaughters thousands of people whimsically, and demands the bloody torturous murder of his only begotten son, to atone for sins committed by creatures he allowed to become sinful, as he sits in judgment over creatures of his own creation.

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