Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Cult, Still Loving Trump, More Than Ever, Like Hitler

 THE "PEOPLE", to use the term loosely, who love Donald Trump, do indeed have a reverential attitude towards him, indeed, almost as of being in a  cult. This paradigm of a true Trump cult has germinated and spread steadily, inexorably, as Trump endures one seemingly career killing scandal after another, his alleged crimes,supported by overwhelming evidence, proliferating. The more the evidence for egregious criminal behavior the more the adulation among his flock. They have conveniently decided that their savior is being unfairly persecuted, despite stacks of stolen classified documents in his temple home, despite a blatant attempt to steal the presidency by blatantly,laughably claiming that it was stolen from him, despite a violent insurrection enacted in living color, on national television. And, despite from hours of testimony obtained under oath by numerous member of his family and close circle of associates who testified that Trump indeed conceived, planned, and orchestrated the entire treasonous scheme, far in advance. "Whatever happens in the election, we'll just say we won. Fuck it", he told his daughter Ivanka, two weeks before the election, according to Ivanka. The more heinous the crimes, the more overwhelming evidence supporting the outstanding, pending federal and state charges against him, the more fervently supportive is his cult, down downing, as we like to say, on their ludicrous claim of a conspiratorial persecution of their idol.The underlying psychology underpinning this bizarre but sociologically intriguing mass phenomenon is as follows. Trump;s followers, mainly conservative evangelical Christians and other poorly educated segments of American society, have given up on democracy. they want to impose their extreme agenda, a national Christian established religion, unlimited unfettered capitalism,racism, hatred of non white immigrants,hatred of homosexuals, almond other malignant item, denial of extent racism forced birth banned abortion, patriarchal , regressive culture, denial of climate change, upon the American people by any means possible and necessary. They vaguely sense that they are in the minority, which is true, and have turned to an authoritarian "charismatic" figure, much like Hitler and Mussolini, to implement their fantasy,  agenda, hateful to a majority of Americans. In Trump they see themselves, the person they dream of becoming, strive to become. He represents their fondest fantasies about themselves, he enables and supports their racism, their fear and denial of climate change  and the fundamental economic changes required to fight it. Hitler is running for president in America, after having tried to overthrow the American government, Hitler ran fr president in Germany, and won, after trying to overthrow the German government, The stark similarities do not end there. And if Trump enjoys the same politically born again success as Hitler, the chances are very high that the ultimate outcome will be much the same.

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