Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Forcing Religion Down American Throats, Again

ITS HAPPENING, AS USUAL, IN THE REPROBATE RED STATES.  The forcing upon innocent school children of one particular religion, in a country of religious  freedom, tolerance, and diversity, in which there is no official, formally established religion, supposedly. The Ten Commandments are being state legislated onto the walls of public school classrooms. The required dimensions of the stone tablets are even given, something about a minimum size of fourteen by twelve, inches,  fortunately,  not feet. We must wait to see whether classrooms across America's fruited plain are soon festooned with holy scripture of the Hindu religion, or the Shinto, or any of the other approximately four thousand two hundred recognized organized religions which grace and infest human civilization on planet Earth. One can safely bet not...John Adams, in the "Treaty of Tripoli", articulated a founding principle enshrined in the United States constitution: "The United States is no more a Christian nation than an Islamic nation". All this is quite predictably ignored by the Christian dominionist  extremist zealots doing the unconstitutional religious indoctrination.Ironic it is that these for the most part are the selfsame self proclaimed American patriots who sanctimoniously  argue for an "originalist" interpretation of the constitution, which to them is considered a sacred document on par with the commandments themselves, except,evidently, when pertaining to matters of religious freedom,and separation of church and state. Regarding  the purportedly God given instructions supposedly given to Moses on Mount Sinai, one could better,one could do worse. the best of the admonitions, the ones having to do with lying, stealing, and killing,seem so obvious as to not need mention. The  "thou shalt have no other god before me order smacks of divine jealousy and pettiness, and needlessness; if there is only one god, exactly what other gods are there to have "before me"?  Assuming that any and all other gods are pure fiction, what is there to be concerned about, in terms of deity job security? Thou shalt not overt Covet what? Food, clothing, and shelter? A relationship with God? That one is vague, whether by design or poor editing. If we're gonna put stuff on the wall to keep stern George Washington company as his eyes follow everybody around the classroom no matter how hard they try to hide,let's think carefully about what we really ought to put up with. Do we really want  precious first graders to ask teachers, administrators  and each other what "adultery" is. We can expect nothing less from youngsters into whose growing minds knowledge is being fed, and curiosity is being encouraged. Somewhere, some when, somebody is going to ask, you can bet your bottom Bible on it. And when that happens, let's call in the experts to provide the answer.  Class, today we are honored and privileged to have with us a special guest, your local conservative evangelical Christian Republican politician, member of the majority party in our esteemed state legislature, who is here today to explain to you exactly what happens when people have sex without permission from the Christian God.

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