Saturday, May 18, 2024

Imagining Clarence Thomas Unjustified.

CAN YOU IMAGINE the uproar, the wailing and gnashing of teeth, the righteous indignation and demands for investigations and resignations if, let us say, a progressive Supreme Court justice behaved as "justice" Clarence Thomas has and does? If a progressive justice received millions of dollars in favors from wealthy "friends" and donars? Expensive all expenses paid vacations, repeatedly, cruises, fine cuisine, and such, from wealthy elite benefactors whose legal actions were potentially headed for the scrutiny of the nation's highest court? Elegant housing, fine edifices for free, material wealth of all shapes and sizes? Then to, what if, to boot, the justice's wife were an avid activist for all manner of progressive causes, a left wing lobbyist, a woman who shared her husband's political proclivities? Yes, you can imagine, quite easily. The conservative community, especially the evangelical Christian hypocrites who support Trump and therefore support insurrection and election stealing, would be,as wey say,"pitching a fit". A gang of MAGA folk, Trump's always ready semper fi insurrectionist mob, would be at the doors of the stately Supreme Court building, doing Lord only knows what, storming, chanting, and, it is conceivable, burning down the house, as it well knows how to do, if a progressive "justice" behaved in the manner of the token conservative African-American Supreme court judge, Clarence Thomas, blatantly and unabashedly behaves. That Thomas should resign is obvious. That he should be investigated, indicted, tried,convicted, and incarcerated for fraud and bribery is eminently arguable. This,aside from the documented fact that the taciturn man has spent thirty years on the SCOTUS doing virtually nothing, contributing nothing but poor reasoning in slience, casting bad votes, writing absurd opinions. Recall that Thomas was nominated for the position he still holds in 1991 in a tempestouous proceeding in which a former legal assistant of his, Anita Hill, testified under oath that Thomas, while her employer, had repeatedly sexually harrassed her. Something about a pubic hair left on a glass of water on her office desk, among a few bizarre forms of harassment, of the sort which conservative reprobates seem to favor. Recall the southern conservative anachronism of a United States Senator, Jesse Helms or Strom Thurmond or some such fossil, asking her, condescendingly, chauvinistically; "Madam, are you a woman scorned"? Then, to the shock and horror of all morally decent Americans, aka proressives, Thomas got on, appointed in a cloud of ignomony and controversy. And there he remains today, useless as ever,rendering misguided opinions, schilling for the far right in an obvious attmept to remake America in his reactionary image. Actually, his slience is a great blessing, in disguise as wisdom and due deliberation.There is a distinct pattern to all this; of conservative Christian Republican hypocrisy and perfidy, of their bending over backwards to force a reprobate into American political leadership merely for the reason that said reprobate is a conservative. SCOTUS currently houses no fewer than two conservative sexual predators and a total of six "justices" who sit there rendering lunatic decisions, such as "Citizens United" and Roe v.Wade overturning, because and only because of the aforementioned hypocrisy and right wing perfidy. But consider, this is the party and political movement of Trump, and of the ascendancy of his MAGA insurrectionist mob.

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