Saturday, May 11, 2024

Teaching Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

DIVERSITY, EQUITY, and INCLUSION (DEI). These are among the three most inspiring, uplifting, and pleasant words in the English language, grouped together. Actually, I personally prefer the word "equality" to the word "equity" in this context. Although I happily own my own home, with one hundred percent equity in it,this word, "equity", when used is the context of human equality, seems less powerful, more vague, more remindful of home ownership than the word "equality". Nonetheless, many words have more than one meaning, and, well, whatever works. Don't sweat the small stuff. Don't be too picky. Perhaps these three beautiful words are nearly beneficial as, for instance, "I love you", or "let me help". Entire programs and departments at world class universities are devoted to them, what they stand for, and what they strive to achieve. And yet, for that very reason, they are anathema, slanderous blasphemy to what is among the world's greatest malignancies, American conservatism and the Republican party. It is nearly inconceivable that anyone, that any morally decent person, place, thing, or organization could even remotely consider opposing them, rather than glorifying them and uplifting them, evelating them to the level of respect enjoyed by another great malignancy, the Christian Bible. The Christian bible is filled with violence, obscenity, lies, and bad advice, just as are the votaries of the American conservative movement, and the Republican party agenda platform. Conservatives would prefer a super majority white Christian society and culture. They despise cultural diverstiy, preferring cultural uniformity. They despise human equality, preferring instead a society of extreme economic inequality. They prefer social hierarchies, in which Christians are superior to non Christians, men are superior to women, heterosexuals are superior to homesexuals, and white people are superior to black and brown people. Inclusion? Fuggettaboutit. Their laughable accusation that progressive intellectuals are "elitists" reveals their own elitism, which they project onto others, much as the pathological liar, Donald Trump, who is the perfect example of American conservatism, projects his own dishonesty onto others. Trump, the most frequent flier liar in human history, calls other people, people who disagree with him and identify his lies as lies, liars. Hence, in conservative "red" states, all across America's fruited plain, the white evangelical conservative Christian bigoted elite community is outlawing, cutting off funding for DEI programs at public universities. This is part and parcel of their attempts to indoctrinate American students with the insanity that there is no racism in the united States, and their malignant book banning crusade. Diversity, equality, and inclusion encourages and supports the lofty, sublime ideal that people should gladly accept human cultural, racial, sexual and religious differences, should embrace human equality, and should encourage inclusion of all people in all aspects of social life. This ideology is the exact opposite of the current conservative agenda, which promotes its elite racial and Christian agenda, disgusing it as "freedom". The opponents of DEI are insufficiently intelligent to realize the banning books is not effective, that books will remain accessible, that students will become aware of American racism despite their misguided attempts to prevent it, and that universities will continue to promote DEI, by insinuating it into their curriculum in other ways. Decent people will continue to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion, regardless of its opponent's perfidy. Unfortunately, conservatives haven't thought of that.

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