Friday, May 31, 2024

Trump's Travails, Becoming Interesting

 NOW IT BECOMES INTERESTING. A convicted felon hits the campaign trail, running for president of the United States, and,  more shocking still, at the moment, either ahead in the polls, or if not, not far behind. One can, or cannot scarcely imagine what vituperation the freshly convicted felonious Don the Con might uncork. Screeching whines of an imaginary rigged system of injustice, sung to the out of key background tune of sycophantic cheers and angry applause. Veiled threats, against the complicit President Biden, the judiciary, and heaven only can predict whom and what else. Then too there is the hobbled vehicle, Untruth Unsocial", Trump's flagging social media platform, launched recklessly some time ago in response to being kicked of Twitter Tweet Ex - for ranting falsehoods out of control, surprisingly, or unsurprisingly. Now the felon can , already has, and shalll undoubtedly continue to rant false accusations at the keyboard, Covfefe,or no Covfefe. And, lettuce make no mistake, through all this, through all the campaign trail screeds and all the hideous insults spewed out upon the internet either; a certain magistrate in New York state lower Manhattan district will be turned in , paying rapt attention, on the look out for any and all possible threats against himself, threat which are, to be perfectly clear, illegal. Sentencing is slated for July 11. That is more than enough time and opportunity for a certain felonious former president to talk himself onto a hot seat, like a frog jumping into boiling water, and not even knowing or caring about it. Said magistrate has a wide range of options in sentencing the Don. He can go light, send him on his merry law scoffing way, glad to finally be rid of him, and sanitize his mildly stenching courtroom. (Wherever he the convict sets his orange artificially hirsute self down, there malingers a not altogether pleasant aroma.) The judge can sentence him to probation, with restrictions and conditions. Home confinement, far off the campaign trail, is a distinct possibility. He the judge could also place a gag order on Trumpian social media screeds, just to have a little fun, generate a little excitement and anticipation, and buy a little quiet time for us the American people. The next step would be to wait, and to dare and double dare the cult leader to break the ban, an act not unlikely for you know who, which would provide more than adequate incentive and just cause to up the stake to jail time. Speaking of jail time, that remains on the table, legally, and according to legal experts. A maximum of four years per offense. Doing the math, four times thirty four, and you get, if my calculator is charged up, a not so insignificant one hundred and thirty six years behind bars, sufficient to not only last through another term in the penitentiary Pseudo White House,  but a few more lifetimes to boot. The presiding, relevant judge, being after all a human being, might just possibly be influenced in his sentencing options by the behavior of Don, prison number 0045, in deciding the convict's actual fate. Even this normally oblivious former prevaricator-in-chief is surely at least vaguely aware of that, and had better watch his step, and his loquacious mouth.The best advice, the only advice, is to upgrade your popcorn popper, sit back, have blood pressure meds on hand, and stay tuned, for it is going to be a helluva a good show.

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