Monday, May 13, 2024

Suspecting Facebook Perfidy

THE OTHER DAY, while scrolling aimlessly on Facebook, looking for girls, funny posts, cute kitten pictures or what the hell ever,I came across a wonderul picture of a wonderful painting. I described it in an essay (scroll down to see essay, not painting). The essayis titled "Painting A Picture of Traitors", for obvious reasons which I explained in the essay. The painting was titled "January Sixth", and is quite controversial, quite political in its message, very anti-Trump, which is tantamount to "very truthful". I liked, shared, and commented until my fingers got blisters,my eyes got blurry, and the cows came home. Then, I got ready. I braced myself for what I expected to be a veritable avalanche of comments, both from decent intelligent people expressing their love of the painting and enthusiastic agreement with my ascerbic, accurate, hateful remarks, and from idiotic, delusional, traitorous mainstream American Trump supporters, includng those of the evangelical Christian kind, hateful reprobates all, viciously attacking me with infantile, mispelled grammatically butchered insults,and attacking other patriotic Trump haters with the same. Vile spew. But it never came. It never happened. I never saw the beautiful picture of the beautiful painting again. Although its only been a couple of days ago,and maybe I am premature in my assessment that the lovely work of art is gone forever,it is, in my opinion, gone forever. I can just sense it. I hope, of course, that I am wrong. Maybe I am. My particular mental illness is paranoia, paranoia which has often led me astry, to make bad judgments of people, their actions, and their intentions. Oh, how I hope I am wrong. What I think, in all my full blown paranoia, is that mother effing Facebook took the iconic artwork down,banned, banished it, perhaps, and probably on the phony pretext that it "does not meet community standards", is "innapropriate", or some such idiotic, contrived pretext. Isn't Facebook owned by a bunch of effing right wing Republicans? What about Zuckerberg? He's the only one who matters. I don't keep track of all these billionaire bastards because I don't give a rat's ass about them. Elon Musk, for instance,and Jeff Bezos, if memory serves, are both far right wing mothers. Bill Gates, now there's a real man. Ditto Warren Buffet, and George Soros. Real men of integrity who have the compassion and concern for the "common man" to be progressive, and to live lives devoted to progressive ideals, meaning focus on human needs, aspirations,and care, rather than exlusively corporate profit. Maybe I'm wrong, I sure as hell hope I'm wrong, but that's what I think. If I'm right, screw Facebook, and the horse it rode in on. Doesn't Facebook claim to be politically neutral, a conduit for all points of view? I can't say for sure. I have other concerns, better things to do, and don't keep track of it. But, again, if I am right, screw Facebook, and eff Facebook. Then today, effing Facebook had the temerity to put me on "restriction", whatever in the hell that means. They said I cannot comment until May 14th, so, no big deal, whoopty doo, as we like to say. I cannot comment for one whole day, oh horror! In point of fact, I am still commenting, so, it begins to seem as if their threat, "their restriction" is a false flag, a lie,a mere bluff.They sent me an "explanation",but it made no sense.Some gibbersih about community standards, with no specifics given. So,on Facebook I remain, promoting this website, and fighting against Trump, the Republican party, the evangelical Christian Trump supporting community, and the dreadful specter of conservative politics and ideology. I also flirt with a few hot ladies,but they always message me first, looking for true love,aka money. At least effing Facebook is good for something.

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