Monday, May 20, 2024

Biden, aka Brandon, Coming Out Swinging Part II

 BRANDON is back at it, coming out swinging. In a speech filled with new found exuberance, he yelled: "If Trump is reelected, do you think he is going to appoint somebody to the Supreme Court who has a brain?" No, I do not. Since Republicans seem unable to find a more piercing insult than to call Biden "Brandon", they surely haven't the imagination, creativity, or intelligence to elevate to the high court a person with a brain. So history would indicate. One caveat ;if one has a brain, even a great brain, but either fails to use it or uses it improperly to do damage to herself, to others, to to her nation, then, then one, for all intents and purposes, has no brain. Examples of this are plentiful. The "Uni-bomber" comes to to mind. A point worth repeating and hammering home is that nobody, especially Biden, needs to lower himself to the level of Trump and the Republican Brandon mongers to intellectually defeat the former insurrectionist-in-chief. For example, Biden's previous recent sharp jab at Trump was an ostensibly innocuous casual remark: "I hear you're free on Wednesdays". That one had to have stung, assuming Trump and his cult have the brains to understand it, rather than to merely ignore it or pretend that it never happened, their usual method And that, dear reader, is precisely what Brandon Biden need to do: yell, at campaign rallies, comments at and about Don the Con which are both factual, verifiably so, understated, and...highly insulting, as a bonus. And, of course, humorous as hell, an essential ingredient, mandatory. A veritable flurry of packed punches, all packaged into a single well aimed roundhouse uppercut. "Anyone with a brain.."."Free on Wednesdays" LOL, as we say on the internet. He, Brandon, will have innumerable golden opportunities for this at both forthcoming debates, in which there will be no love studio audience packed with MAGA mobsters, and microphones will be turned off when a debater is not debating. By surprisingly agreeing to these terms, the Trump gang, apparently suddenly or chronically brainless, has fallen into a deadly trap, from which extrication is impossible. Suddenly removed from use are Trump's to most lethal if lame weapons: an audience hand picked for emotional support an harassment of Biden, and any and all opportunity for Trump to interrupt, talk over, or hurl gratuitous insults at the president. In 2020, the stable genius was actually able to goad Biden into shouting, in abject frustration: "shut up,man?". This was a huge mistake, coming unglued like that, losing control, showing Trump and his MAGA packed studio audience, the Nation, and the world, that Trump can do more than blather; he can under Biden's heretofore presumed thick skin.  Not a good look for Brandon, to show his emotional vulnerability like that. People with brains live and learn from their mistakes. Biden, demonstrably, has a brain, and learns from his mistakes.  Trump, who hasn't, doesn't.

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