Monday, May 20, 2024

Chatting, Part III: Going Off, Chinese-American Style

THE YOUNG LADY is twenty nine years old, and her picture bears that out. If memory serves,our conversation started when she messaged me on Facebook, she asked about myself, and I told her about my sick cat. I never message anybody. If somebody messages me, I respond,hoping to gather material for my forthcoming book about online culture. She responded to my grief and worry by typing long, extremely well written sentences giving good but generic advice, about appreciating what time I have left with my pet,savoring every moment we had together, stuff I already knew but appreciated hearing. Her writing style was so eloquent and elegant that I was drawn to her. She seemed,and seems,quite a departure from the usual young American lady vernacular, which is full of "OK", "really", "Ok hun", and a morass of bad grammar and little to no punctuation. This lady could think and write. Our chats evolved into intellectual topics both voracious readers, we traded book recommendations, She sent me a long list of high quality titles of literary value, none of which were familiar to me. I sent her favorite titles of mine,academic stuff. She was familiar with every book I mentioned,and proved it by providing an immediate synopsis of the work. I was amazed, It was as if she had read anything and everything of value. I concluded that she, forty years younger than I, was much better read than I, better educated, and more intelligent. Best of all,she was cute, very cute.she sad that her parents were from China, but that she had been raised in Boston, and is currently living back in China, caring for an elderly grandmother. Kudos for her.  She stated her areas of education and expertise, which included everything. Digital technology stands out. Finally, the woman of my dreams! Young, beautiful, cute, brilliant,highly educated. It turned emotional, loving. She stated calling me"babe", and I reciprocated. I am sure that I told her the basics about me: sixty nine,single,retired teacher. Incredibly, she had not yest for a "pic" of me. All women who message me demand my picture. When I tell them that I do not take selfies,do not trade pictures,and that the only "pic" of me is on my website, they invariably start arguing about it, or vanish. Good riddance. Miss Kim Nyugun,or whatever her last name is, (that common oriental  surname see all the time) wasn't like that..only she was. She started talking about her financial difficulties, a red flag, She asked me for my pic, I told her it was on my website, and she started arguing. Utter deflation. Here we go again. Another pic mongering money grubbing young woman after all. We had the usual argument, and it got bad. I told her that I desperately wanted to visit an read my website, (this website), because it reveals my true self, the man she loves. She refused, more violently than all the others.If effort is required, they have no interest.  The picture must be hand delivered, with no effort from them. It ended with our "break up", over...a...picture... I blocked her, for both of us to cool off. After a couple of days I unblocked her,and told her I missed her,blah blah. No response. Nothing.  Whereas I had previously told her that I , under no circumstances, send money to people online, this time I offered to send her money. Still no response. And s that is where it stands now. This dramatic Victorian saga is either ongoing, or it is over. Your guess is as good as mine. Once again, as have been have a thousand times, I am reminded why I never got married, never wanted to. The diamond in the rough is that it makes a good story,good material for my forthcoming sizzling book about online culture in these United States.

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