Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Biden, Coming Out Swinging Part I

FINALLY, AT LONG LAST, President Biden seems to be emerging from his torpor,coming out of campaign hibernation. He's taking off the kid gloves,and coming out swinging, bare knuckles. With any luck, it'll soon be brass knuckles. He and Trump will,apparently,debate on June 27, uncharacteristically early in a presidential campaign,the earliest in history. "Anytime you want, pal. I hear you're free on Wednesdays", jolted Joe. Ohhhh...That's harsh. That's cold. That's throwing down. It happens to be true. Wednesday is the only weekday these days when Donald Trump, the multiply accused criminal defendant, is not a criminal defendant in a New York courtroom. Generously, Biden is willing to accomodate him. Any Wednesday is fine. To effectively debate, Biden need only state the facts. Trump relies on slander,insults,innuendo, and outright lies; Biden doesn't have to do that. He can rise above Trump's gutter garbage, and use facts as weapons. When Donald Trump the multiply accused criminal defendant slings his oft used "crooked Joe" insult, Biden can counter factually with: "accused criminal Don", or "courtroom Don"...the options are many. Fact; there isn't the slightest evidence that Biden has ever done anything "crooked". With Trump, the evidence for crooked behavior is overwhelming. That's why he is currently facing four criminal defense legal actions, with one now well underway. Distortions of fact not only are the normal standard strategy for Trump, but also for his votaries, who imitate his behavior, wanting to be like him, and who see in him...themselves. One strategy they use is to compare Hillary Clinton's reaction to her election defeat with Trump's, as if there is any similarlity, which they insist there is. Of course, there isn't. Hillary Clinton challenged the legitimacy of her election defeat, not the result, and accused Trump of winning the election with Russian interference.Trump's supporters omit mention of the fact that the Mueller report confirmed the Russian interference,as did the Russian oligarchs themselves. The Russians told us that they "did it", a fact that was not widely publicized in the media. They said that they would do it again, by the way. Then, what precisely is the crucial difference between Clinton's election reaction and Trump's? Its "self evident",as Jefferson might say. Hillary clinton not only did not claim that she actully won the election at the ballot box, and she did not plan, orchestrate, and inspire a violent attempt to overthrow the American government. That,indusputably, is a considerable difference. But, unsurprisingly, those essential facts are ignored by Trump's cult, the members of whom, by supporting him, are,in effect,making themselves accomplices to criminal behavior. None of this is going to change. Trump will keep spouting his lies and infantile insults, his cult followers will keep echoing them, and supporting an evident, obvious criminal for president. Biden has apparently been advised to fight back with facts, and to do so abrasively, harshly, repeatedly. Joe's been around the block; he's a smart, tough old coot. The interesting part will be seeing how we the American people respond to the forthcoming fireworks.

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