Friday, May 31, 2024

Circling the Wagons, Defending Perfidy

 THE REPUBLICANS ARE CIRCLING THE WAGONS, like terrorists trapped in a bombed out basement. This of course was predictable. Sieg Heil Trump, all hail the great cult leader of the most notorious gang of terrorist criminals in recorded human history, the Republican National Party. Trump, who just lately has advocated an American "Reich" as he termed it, under his Hitlerian style dictatorial leadership. Seriously, you couldn't make this stuff up. All you can do is gawk in amazement at the complete descent of the American Christian conservative community into utter decadence, as they follow like lemmings into the sea their now thirty four time felon cult icon into the depths of cultural, political, and social Gehenna. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson asserts that the criminal justice system is rigged against Donald Trump. Other Republican members of Congress, most other members, are saying the same; that Biden and the Democrats have contrived a vast left wing conspiracy against God's representative on Earth, the anointed one sent by Christ, aloft in Trump tower,  perched atop Mt. Sinai. Down came Almighty Trump this very morning to spew forth more of his inane, insane garbage, whining about the justice system's finding him guilty on all counts. We learned that, according to Herr Trump,  he and his legal team were not allowed to call witnesses. That, as they say, is new to me. They managed to call one, a shady Whitey Bulger type mafia gangster figure, who spewed the Trump line; that everybody seeking justice is out to get tRump, and that any body who questions any remark made by his exalted madness is lying through their teeth. It took the jury no longer to discern and disarm the lame pathetic defense mustered by Trump than it takes to hear a blatant lie each and every time Don the Con opens his puckered mouth and speaks. The right wing extremist media is pitching a conniption, in a state of total meltdown. The FOX (faux)  propaganda network is screeching that the obvious war against Trump by the communist  Democratic party is tantamount to  Stalin and the Russian hordes, marching into Moscow, seizing the reins of power. Stalin never did any such thing, Hitler was elected, Trump was elected, by the electoral college, and, in a county so intellectually and morally disabled as to even consider allowing a criminally insane reprobate to ever come to power in the first place, all things are possible. Welcome to the great American fun house, where everything is distorted, and nothing is as it seems. It is even possible that Donald J. Trump may regain the presidency, and this time, govern from prison, with his horde of cult followers resentful, yet happy. The last recourse of the American democracy shall be the ballot box, not the courtroom. It never should have come to this, but it has, and we've now no alternative but two make the best of a horrendous situation, by merely voting, our only tool, democracy's weapon of last resort.

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