Thursday, May 23, 2024

Arguments, Unvarying, Traitors, Unintentional

 MY ARGUMENTS, and probably those of those who share my opinion of Trump, have not varied for at least nine years. When the president of the United States is defeated for reelection, he or she should congratulate the winner,offer to help the winner, and leave office with dignity. He or she should neither falsely claim to have won the election, nor should he or she conceive, organize, and orchestrate a violent attempt to overthrow the United States government. Another argument which has endured is that any president who does these things is a traitor not only to his country, but also to democracy. A some what more controversial argument I have made and still make is that those who continue to support the former president after all this are traitors, by their support, if not by their intent. Thus  have I introduced the possibly novel concept of the "inadvertent traitor", or an  "accidental traitor". Trump supporter, even post insurrection, not only do not consider themselves traitors, they consider, themselves  no matter how ridiculously, to be great American patriots defending....whatever. It is worth mentioning that all traitors throughout history have held the same view of themselves; that they are acting on behalf of a higher cause, usually that of their country, or freedom, or...whatever. Benedict Arnold thought he was trying to save a failing American revolution from inevitable harsh British retribution. Brutus thought he was attempting to save Rome from tyranny and return it to its former state as a republic. Lenin was trying to save Russia from the tyranny of the ruling imperial Romanov dynasty. Donald Trump and his supporter seem to think that they are saving America from what I to them the dreadful specter of progressive Democrat socialism and secularism, in defense to what is to them the sacred principle of unfettered corporate capitalism and Christian nationalism.  History has decided that all the historical traitors who saw themselves as heroic saviors of their countries are, and shall always remain, traitors. The same will be  said by future historians of Donald Trump; his attempt to overthrow the American government will mark him as a traitor, by future historians. The term "Traitor" is not applied to Adolf Hitler, or to Mussolini,because they brought their respective countries to ruin not only with the most fervent nationalist "patriotism"imaginable, but with the avid approval and support of a large portion of their constituency. And yet, today, so great was the devastation their disastrous rule wrought upon their nations that, in a very real sense, they were "unintentional traitors". And thus it is with Donald Trump and his "MAGA" supporters. They are traitors, if unintentional.

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