Monday, May 27, 2024

Praising With Faint Damn

 POLLS INDICATE the President Biden is losing support from the African-American community, and Donald Trump is benefiting from Biden's loss,gaming support. As we say: "go figure" Progressive Democrats, from Jesse Jackson on, have historically enjoyed and ninety to ten percent huge advantage over conservative Republicans, dating way back to the nineteen sixties.The back community has been in large measure responsible for democratic victories not only in national elections, but in key election districts in swing states. Biden, in his more than fifty year career in national politics, has been especially popular among blacks, serving as Barack Obama's vice-president for eight years. All it takes is a little inflation, for which Biden is entirely not responsible, and perhaps some diplomatic juggling in the complex middle east conflict, and does goes Biden's support, like Joe Frazier. Is it the economy? How an it be? The economy is booming and thriving, like maggots on a dung pile. Do African-Americans mistakenly perceive that Biden, in advanced age, has gone senile, and reversed his lifetime commitment to civil rights, racial equality, and the uplifting of the black community economically with better jobs and anti-discrimination legislation? ON National Public Radio, a young black gentleman, being interviewed, spoke thusly: "I know Trump's got a "wild side to him, but"...blah blah blah....I couldn't abide listening to the rest, to the forthcoming lame excuse mongering justification for even remotely considering the possibility of withdrawing support for a good and honorable man who has for decades promoted the African-America cause, has been a steadfast of the black community, and giving it to..a criminal, traitor, insurrectionist,  racist. Trump, who unabashedly stated that he would prefer immigrants from Norway, rather then what he termed, and I quote, "shit hole countries in Africa. Trump, who according to everyone who has ever known him even remotely well, attests, in published books, that Don the Con is an inveterate racist, who unabashedly sling the "N word" like a short order cook slinging hash browns. No, dismissing Trump's criminal, racist, demented lifestyle with the soft sobriquet "wild side" is tantamount to calling Hitler's policies towards European Jews as "rude". Recently I stupidly stumbled upon a gang of Trump supporters on Facebook,who characterized their hero as "the greatest president in American history who made reasonable decisions under difficult circumstances." That's like saying that your cat judiciously ignored his bowl of fresh water and wisely chose to drink out of a mud puddle. Ignore the insanity, mischaracterize  incompetence  as virtue, invent the rest. I respectfully inquired as to whether they thought of Trump's election lie and attempted violent insurrection and theft of the presidency from Biden as "reasonable under difficult circumstances?" I never got a response.

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