Friday, August 23, 2024

Turning the Tables

ACCORDING TO DONALD TRUMP, Kamala Harrris is an extremist left wing radical socialist communist who wants to open the border and let thousands of rapists and muderers in to do their thing. In other words, Donald Trump is doing his thing; lying pathologically, spewing verbal garbage, and getting worse. A Trump apologist allowed as that Donald engages in hyperbole, for effect, but that he also tells the truth a lot, a phenomenon only he has likely noticed. The notion that Donald Trump ever tells the truth, much less tells it often, is of course, laughable, delusional..... The best they can do in attacking Harris, it is becoming obvious, is to accuse her of being liberal - as if there were anything wrong with that. Conservatives succeeded in turning the word "liberal" into an insult, by repeating, loudly and often, the big lie that liberalism is a bad thing. What better time than now to "turn the tables", and hammer the word "conservative", like a thin sheet of fool's gold, into a new shape; of bad ideology, an epithet, an insult. For example: Which is "common sense",and which is "radical"? Kamala Harris, that Democrats, and liberals (progressives) want to maintain, sustain,and strengthen Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Trump, Republicans, conservatives want to cut them all, or eliminate them entirely. Which of these two starkly contrasting points of view is common sense, and which, pray tell, is radical? The answer seems apparent. Another example: Democrats, progressives in general are pushing the panic button about climate change, insisting that it is a deadly threat, and that we must take drastic action immeditaely in order for our descendants to live and survive. Conservatives, Republicans, a majority of them, insist that climate change is either a complete hoax, or that if it is happpening, it is happening only because of natural forces of nature beyond human control or influence. Science and scientists tell us in no uncertain terms that indeed climate change is real, and that it is, beyond all doubt, caused by human activity. They are ready, willing, and able to clearly prove it, to anyone willing to listen. Again, which of these two totally opposing points of view is common sense and which is radical? Trump recently referred to conservative agenda as "common snnse", and he constantly, repeatedly calls the progressive agenda "radical", thus, we us those terms here. Simply paying attention to the weather, over a period of months and years, in most locaations, is enough to convince observant people that the cliamte has indeed and is changing, dramatically, and fast. When every scientist in the wofld, esentially, tells us that indeed it is, and tells us exactly why, its common sense to believe it, and radical nonsense to deny it. For example: A quick look at this "Project 2025" craziness is sufficient to persuade most people that the far right wing agenda in America is nothing short of radical, crazy, lunacy. Establishing Christianity as oficial in America, persecuting LGBTQ people, treating undcumented immigrants like criminals and hostile invaders, turning the American president into an authoritarian ruler, dismantling and eliminating alll government regulation pertaining to the environment and economy - and many many more insane, idiotic ideas are included in the plans from the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025, right wing extremist America, Trump and his MAGA gangster cult. Policies and issues are the main reason why Trump and the Republicans must be defeated in November for the sake of America, Trump's huge criminality, various mental illnesses, including pathological narcissism and age related cognitive decline, while important, are actually of seconcdary importance. Lord have mercy on us.

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