Monday, August 5, 2024

Kamala, Landsliding

I SAID THIS to several people, and have decided to say it to everybody. I predict that Kamala is going to win in a landslide. Please remember where you heard it. If I am wrong, I have no hesitation about owning up to it. I won't be humiliated, shy about acknowledging my error in predicting. Obviously,I could be wrong. Evidently, the Trend was for Trump to beat Biden, which was partly why Biden was encouraged by everybody, his staff, advisors, Obama, the Clintons, to drop out. I had gotten the imppression that Biden could beat Trump, but that it would be close. Perhaps I was wrong. Thus I had mixed eotions about his leaving, but was and am mostly glad about it. For me, and perhaps for many Americans, Biden is now entering the rarified realm of true hero status, a great one term prisident who stopped the bleeding, put the fires out, and set the ship erect and back on course, then stepped graciously aside, voluntarily relenquishing power, a true rarity, and turning over the reigns of government to a new generation, kind of, as we the operators of the great American democratic experiment plough straight ahead, saving democracy, and opposing fascist tyranny, aka, Donald Trump and MAGA. The moment Harris replaced Biden, the momentum, which was not necessarily against Biden totally, changed, and began to favor Harris, which it still does, more than ever. Women are going to elect Kamala Harris. Arguably, it is inexplicable why any women would vote for Trump, and indeed a majority of them will not this November. And yet, the very thought that a decent percentage of American women still support Trump is nearly beyond mind boggling. The eighteen to thirty year old female demographic has, essentially, dropped out, gone to the sidelines in this election between two old men. Now, their interest newly aroused, they are returning to the voter ranks by registering, as statistics clearly indicate. More than a million newly registered young women, so far, with many more to come. A fired up new voting block for Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris has already come from being slightly behind in all the swing states, to being slightly ahead in all of them, and her lead will widen and solidify, as the days and weeks proceed towards election day. Meanwhile, Trump will keep stumping and spewing anger, hatred, and lies, with which the American people, at least to a degree, are growing tired. Calling Kamala Harris "a bum", arguably, was a mistake. Kamala has,and Trump continues to hand her, a considerable quantity of usable amuntion to fire back at him, and Kamals has shoen a willingnes ot fire away. Her rsponse to Trump's false acustaion that she is soft on the border she responded to by pointing out that she and the Biden administration and a rare bipartisan Congress had a solution reday to go, and that Trump destroyed it. That is a strong argument, and should silence Trump, sooner or later, on the topic. Democrats can look forward to direct intellectual combat between the two candidates, watching Harris repeatedly defeat Trump intellectually. Trump was and is reluctant and afraid to debate her for very good reason. He knows he cant hang with her, and probably understands that trying to bully her might backfire in many different ways. She might bow up, stand up to him, confront him and put him in his place, and, we the American people might not like it, might not appreciate him treating a women that way. That in itself could seal the election for her, which, I again assert, is already effectively sealed.

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