Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trumping the Working Class

IN AMERICA, we tout the vitrues of the middle class, and the working class. Sometimes we talk about them as if they are the same thing, which, in many cases, they are. We dont talk so much about the working poor class, or the poor class. Perhaps our hope, perhaps our dream is that eventuallly America will be one big, happy middle class family, with no trillion, billion, or millionaires, but rather a prosperous level of approximate economic equality for all, with freedom and capitalism for all. The blue collar working class is praised and courted by every politician. Every politican claims to be "a man (or woman) of the people". If memory serves. I have never heard any American politician verbally denigrate America's working class. I did not listen to the infamous interview-chat between Elon Musk and Donald Trump, the two people I most despise. I should have. Trump, presumably unintentionally, threw the working class under the bus during said interview, or, if nothing else, he threw the American labor union movement under the bus. Trump's advisors surely did not like this, and would advise him to avoid doing it, but, they also know that Trump is Trump, that Trump will be Trump, and that, after all, so far, it seems to have worked. Trump lavishly praised Musk for having summarily terminated a group of union workers who went on strike against him, as if Musk was a hero for standing up to the gnagster mob of workers, who had the audacity to oganize to negotiate with employers. Trump's voice dripped and oozed with sarcasm, cruelty, and macbre admiration for Elon Musk for having beaten the union. Both men laughed, derisively, as I recall. And yet, Trump wil be right back out on the campaign trial, and probably already is, ranting to his MAGSA crowd, many of whom are members of America's blue collar unionized working class, and claim to be the ultimate champion of the working class, their savor from the ravages of Kamals Harris, the Democratic party, and liberalism in general. Trump, the man of the people. He will do this by screaming a few vague, general, meaningless claims, such as he, Donald Trump, being able to raise the pay and working conditions of every working man and woman in America. Something outrageous, absurd, and ridiculous upon further thought. Trump claims to be able to bring down inflation all by himself, able to uplift the working class by himself, to save America, alone. The Super Trump. Trump is actually a backseat limo riding billionaire, and has been his whole life, who cares nothing about working people, or anything, except himself. This he has proven, and continues to prove, on a daily basis. Throughout his adult life Trump has treated workers unfairly. Trump's only intention with workers has been and still is to exploit them. He has hired illegal immigrants, deliberately, then failed to pay them, knowing they would have no recourse, among his other labor related crimes. All this is well documented in many of the books and articles people who know him well have written and testified to. It is utterly amazing that any working class people at all support Trump, just as it is utterly amazing that any working class people are members of the Republican party, and support Republican candidates. The Republican party is the white, Christian, corporate party of capitalism and social Darwinism. Trump's antipathy for organized labor is well known. Ditto the Republican party. So is his contmept for, and exploitation mentality regarding work, pay, and economics generally. Eliminating income tax on tips is not as good a way of helping the working class as raising the federal minimim wage, and assuring every tip earning worker a fair, pre tip basic wage. You won't find Trump, nor any Republican, standing outside the Capitol building with a sign advocating for rasing the federal minimum wage to, say, fifteen an hour. Why not?

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