Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Getting, Keeping Christian Nationalist Republicans Out

THE SHEER NUMBER OF REASONS, and the urgency of those reasons, to vote the Republicans out of power, and to keep them out, merits enumeration and analysis. As discussed in "Climate Change: An Overriding Concern" (see essay below) it is urgent to remove Republicans from power simply to save the planet, from climate change, which they will demonstrably not only do nothing about, but refuse acknowledge its existence. Perhaps only slightly less dangerous and harmful to America is the malignant ideology, rooted deeply in the Republican party, "Christian Nationalism", the belief that the Christian religion should be the officiel religion of the United States, and that American law, culture, and everything should be based upon the Christian religion, and the Bible. This is a powerful and apparently growing movement within the Republican party; there is little or no evidence of any Crhistian Nationalism in the Democratic party. A sizeable percentage, upwards of fifty percent of Republicans embrace this pernicious doctrine, making it a main segment of the G.O.P..LIke the G.O.P. itself, the Christian nationalist movement is predominantly white middle class. There is in fact a significant intersection between Christian Nationalism and the white supremacist movement, which also has its roots solidly in the far right conservative end of the Republican party. Obviously, Christian Nationalism and white supremacy are not the samt thing. However, many of the same people who embrace one, embrace the other. Indeed, religious fervor, hyper patriotism, and racism are fundemental conservative American values. zealously religious people are often zealously patriotic, and the mix can be a volatile, powerful force. The founder's intentions is not even a question, or shouldn't be. We ae all aware of the massive number of letters and documents between people like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson citing the utter necessity of an impermeable wall between church and state. You can fill libraries with these documents.. The founder's intent for religious freedom, tolerance, and diversity is quite clear. And yes, they used the words "wall", and "seperation". The first amendment was their expression, in law, of their intent. According to many Christian naionalists, this secular viewpoint is sheer rubbish, fake history, and the United States was in fact established as a "Christian" nation by its founders. Revisionist reconstructed history is almost always a propanganda tool of extremist, radical movements, such as Christian nationalism, who, like most such radical groups, spare no effort in fabricating history and innumerable lies to justify their beliefs. Fortunately, these dangerous people are being closely monitored, observed, documented, and analyzed by scholars and researchers. New studies are emerging seemingly daily. Scholar and researcher Katherine Stewart's "The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism" warns that Christian Nationalism is strong, growing, filled with enthusiastic members, and must be dealt with directly in order to avoid the forced implementation of its malignant agenda on America. It has already nearly captured the Republican party, like Trump. It has long disguised itself as a social movement, concerned with Chrsitian moral values, including opposition to abortion and same sex marriage. However, Christian nationalist politicians, all within the Republican party, are getting elected to high political office, as the movement sweeps into government at all levels, banning books, prohibiting mention or fracism or gay people in pubblic schools, forcing the Bible and Ten Commandments into schols by legislation, turning the Republcan party into a grotesque charicature of its former self, an extremist, un-American, anti - democratic, fascst organization, with the criminal Donald Trump as the iconic leader. That fact in iteslf should tell you all you need to know about the true character, moral standards, and intellectual quality of these extremest, radical fascist Chrstian Nationalists.

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