Friday, August 16, 2024

America, Eutrophying

ALL ACROSS AMERICA'S FRUITED PLAIN, the prairie land, grasslands, what used to be called "The great American desert", is changing, all on its own, without human assistance. This story was reported recently on National Public Radio, which often airs facts and stories, especially concerning the environment and climate change, not found in the mainstream condervative American media. The prairie lands are trying to turn into forests. This is happening, evidently, in many different states, across an area of millions of acres, thousands of square miles. Land owners are visiting their properties and finding virgin forest of trees, bushes, and shrubs, sprouting up seemingly overnight, and growing fast. The evident reason is indeed climate change; the added carbon content of the atmosphere, in which we humans have, over the past one hundred years, doubled the atmospheric carbon content from about two hundred parts per million to well over four hundred, makes the asmosphere more conducive to growing trees, which are taking over. If left alone, the process, which seems to have begun in earnest within the past decade, (alhtough it probably began before), would, within a few years, utterly transform America's prairie land - grasslands into densely packed wooded forests, replete with underbrush, amazingly. It must not be allow to happen, however, because it would destroy America's cattle ranching beef industry, which, being a multi billion dollar industry in a nation in love with beef, is simply unthinkable. The cattle industry is situated all over and almost exclusively within prairie land. Strangely, ironically, if this "eutrophication" were allowed to happen, millions of acres of new forest allowed to grow and replace grass land, it would actually increase rather the derease climate change, a result which one finds counter intuitive. Tall thick brown grass, waving gently in the summer breeze, actually reflects a great deal of the sun's heat back out into space, whereas forests would absorb it, absorbing enough heat to offset any cooling effect due to trees absorbing carbon and giving off oxygen. Another irony of this situation is the demonstrable fact that in order to fight climate chagne and create a sustainable lifestyle for humanity, the cattle ranching beef industry must come to an end, and beef must be replaced by artificial, synthetic substitutes, which is already happeneing... All over eastern Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and the rest of the great American desert, cattle ranchers are taking chainsaws into their wide open grassy fields, trying to catch up with the new rampant forest growth, and failing to do so. It appears inevitable that this natural phenomenon will force itself upon humanity and America, forcing us to let the land become whatever the land wants to become, without concern for human preferences or economics. There are certain actions humankind must take in the future to survive. Among these is collecting seawater, turing it into fresh water, and moving into the huge arid regions which will undoubtedly be drought stricken, soon. Carbon must be removed, somehow, from the atmosphere. Also, actions will have to be taken against sea level rise, such as sea walls, and the retreat of human civilization away from the oceans. But maybe we should let the Earth try to heal itself, and maybe turning prairies into forest is one way in which she is trying to do precisely that. But what do we know? In their little chat recently, Donald Trump and Elon Musk both agreed that there is plenty of oil still in the ground ready for drilling, and that rising sea levels will create more valuable shoreline. Neither gentleman seems to grasp basic geometry.

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