Monday, August 12, 2024

Trump, Faking

THE TRUTH about the presidential campaign is that Kamala Harris hit the ground running, and not only hasn't stopped, but hasn't slowed down. If anything she has gained momentum and speed, and still is. The day that Biden suddenly announced his withdrawal from the campaign, rejoiced, and am still rejoicing. I sense the same in other Democrats. Biden has been a good president, and history will record that, but for him, it was time to step aside. Biden would probably have been a better president several decades ago when he first started running; by the time he was actually elected, he was already too old, arguably. The moment Kamala entered the race, she was inundated by huge amounts of money by huge numbers of people, and still is. Her popularity is growing, as more and more people find out who she is, and learn more about her. Despite having been Vice President for four years, she remains a relative unknown, a relative newcomer to the national politial stage. America is liking what it sees. Advanced reservations for her events, her rallies with Tim Walz, are through the roof as is the attendance and demand for adamitance. It seems as if everyody in the country wants to see her and hear her. The reward is that she is not only beautiful, but dymanic, a dynamic speaker, highly educational and entertaining. Between now and the election less than three months away, she could probably schedule events nearly every day, draw huge crowds, and keep the positive spotlight on her. Trump is falling behind, and getting desperate. His lunatic rantings, lies, insults, accusations, the usual garbage, will almost certainly only increase as the days go on, he falls further and farther behind, and tries to capture some attention away from Harris and slow her momentum. It will not work. She is on her way to winning by a landslide, and litle or nothing can stop her. Trump's crowds are decreasing, as is his support base, and are much smaller and less enthusiastic than Kamala Harris's. Falsely, crazily, Trump claimed that her crowds were,are, "fake". Precisely what he meant by that he of coruse did not, and could not say. Is the Harris campaign paying people to attend her rallies, people who other wise would have no interest in attending, possibly even Trump supporters? Maybe her events are infected with trouble making Trump supporters. Are her crowds being enhanced in terms of size by computer generated images of people who appear to be there, but aren't? It is difficult, indeed impossible to imagine or design a system in which Kamala Harriss's crowds, as shown on television, are "fake". American women haven't even fully hopped on board the Harris campaign, but will. Voter registration of women in the eighteen to thirty five age group has become heavy all across America's fruited plain, as women who had previously checked out of the system, unhappy and unenthusiastic about two garrulous old men running for president, suddenly become motitaved and involved when a younger, more attractive, more dynamic women steps in. Trump's behavior over the next few weeks, and that of his MAGA mob, need to be closely monitored. He lies need to be identified, and he needs to be held accountable for them, and for his false accusations and insults. As Trump becomes more desperate, comes closer and closer to losing the election and facing justice in criminal court for his attempt to steal the last election a ovetthrow the government, he will be willing to ao anything to avoid his ultimate fate, long term incarceration. That might include more organized violence, of which his cult is certainly capable, as they have already demonstrated. It happened once. The rest of us, patriotic Americans, must make sure it never happens again.

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