Thursday, August 22, 2024

Online Banking

I DONT GET NEARLY AS MANY pop up messages on Facebook messenger as I used to, because I haven't been accepting, or dealing with in any way, friend requets. Unless I'm miscounting, there are now nearly two hundred waiting for my rapt attention, on hold. I may never get to them. Not long after I signed up for Facebook just to check it out, I realized that if I wanted to use the platform to promote this website, I would benefit by having as many "friends" as possible. In a few months I reached the five thousand limit, and as far as I can tell, I have assembled a fairly impressive group of left wing anti-Trump progressives, which is what I am. Go figure. Of the several hundred pop up messages I have received overall, they come in two types; men wanting to scam me, and women, wanting to scam me. The men, (women do this too) almost always ask me how I am doing, how my day is going, they tell me that they are either having a hard time or a good time, strongly, dramatically, for effect, then, they ask me whetehr I have ever heard of a federal grant program from such and such an agency, for which I could apply, and get free grant money. I used to talk briefly to them, and they always had a well rehearsed scam ready to exploit me with. Easy paperwork, big money, free. I got to the point where I just started them that I was recording our chat and would share it with law enforcement; that almost always shuts them up. They vanish, and never return. The woman are always young and atractive, according to the pictures they send, ans they always start asking me personal questions. They assure me that they are very attracted to me, then, they ask for money. This, from almost all of them, almost all young attractive women. Some of them include interesting conversations, and the reason I answer all pop up messges from everybody is, for one thing, courtesy, and, for another, curiosity. If nothing esle , I have accumulated a lot of material which I can use in essays, articles, or, maybe, a book. They, the young attractive ladies, almost always get mad at me when I tell them they have to visit this website to see my picture, and they nearly always get mad at me when I tell them that I absolutely do not, under any circumstances, send momey to anybody on the internet. I ry to reason with them that it would be better to borrow or be given money from somebody they already know, in person, which of course for them is impossible, since their plan is to receive money from a stranger on the internet from whom thay can get the money, then, disappear, or get more money later, as many times as possible, then, disappear. For these are scam artists. They all have a good story. Their grandmother died, again, or a parent, or there is a medical emergency for them or for their cat or dog. The most creative one? A young attractive lady recently asked me for a Cash App gift of thirty dollars - to purchase a sanitary napkin, or a Tampon, or a package of Tamons, or whatever. Seemingly her period approaches, and she has none. I deferred by usng the lame argument that she could undoubtedly get this item wherever she lives, because wherever it is, there are other people living there, including women. Also, I opined, it would be better to get help of this kind from another woman, somebody you already know in person, rather than from a virtual stranger on the internet. I am always surprised, for some reason, how ineffective arguments fo this kind are. They jsut keep arguing with me. and I tolerate it, taking notes all the while and getting good material for future essays. Well, if you can't help me, I guess I'll just have to starve to death. Wouldn't you just love to be told that? Or the one i got a week or so ago, from a woman a I hardly knew, but to whom I had expressed attraction for the picture of the person, perhaps herself, she had sent me. In all caps, she screamed: "Youre wicked and stingy!". Interesting, and rather demanding, set of moral values there; if somebody asks you for money on Facboook, and you decline, you are suddenly wicked, and stingy. That sets the bar so high even Jesus would have a hard time rising to that level. As I recall, she didnt want money for some life or death medical emergency, but rather, to pay her phone bill, or keep her internet conncected, or something...I find that overall I kinda pefer this seemingly more honest approach..But if you want a few dollars to use to buy more minutes for your smart phone, you're gonna have to come knock on my door to get it.

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