Saturday, August 24, 2024

Beating A Dead Horse

THE FAMOUS International Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is of course a United Nations organization which gathers massive amounts of data about the weather conditions all over the world every day of every year, organizes it into trends and patterns and comparative data, and from that arrives at an assessment of exactly how, and how much climate change the world experiences in any given year. The IPCC is the organization which has been telling us every year it seems, for the past few years, that the most recent year was the hottest on reord, in terms of global temperature averages. Every year, hotter than the previous. In 2023, for isntane, the average global temperature was approximately sixty two point seen five degrees, which, we are told, makes it the hottest year on record. Records date back about a hundred and fifty years, we are told, although we do have a fair amount of information about the climate in most parts of the world before then. We know, for isntance, that the period between roughly fifteen hundred and eighteen fifty was a miniature ice age. The frequetly used argument by climate change deniers, that the Earth's climate is constantly changing naturally, without any help from humans, is, of course, quite true. We can estimate big changes in the climate all over the world dating back thousands of years, partly by examining fossil evidence. What climate change deniers fail to take into account, refuse to take into account, is the simple but obvious fact that the mere fact that the climate changes naturally does not prevent humans from simultaneously changing it artifically. There are two kinds of climate change; natural, and human made, and both are in full operation, at the same time. The IPCC is not the only organization closely studying climate change and reporting the results. There are in fact many others, as humanity becomes increasingly aware of the importance of dealing, somehow, with this unfolding environmental cataclysm. There is an organization of climate scientists in at least sixty countries which issued its annual report earlier last week, and, much like the IPCC report, was not good. Results from every study in the world tend to verify each other, to confirm findings form all other slimate change studies, in accordance with the tried and true scientific method, according to which all experiments and research studies must be independently confirmed, repeatedly, redundnatly, to be accepted as fact. The scientific method, despite the disrespect some accord it, works like a veritable charm, every time. It is easy to measure the carbon content in the atmosphere, and it is easy to understend, that if an abundance of carbon is added to the atmosphere, much more of the sun's heat is absorbed, and the climate warms up. Any other outcome is impossible. You don't have to see a hammer hit the ground to know what happens when you drop it. And yet, we are already seeing and feling climate change, in our own lives, with our own eyes. More very year, we are seeing it, plainly, as the scientific results of measurments confirm it. Refusing to believe that climate chagne is real becomes more dificult, more ludicrous, crazier, every year. We have beaten the climate change horse to death, so often have we studied it, measured it, and continue to do so, redundantly. The only new thing we have learned lately is that the change is happening much more rapidly than we had previously believed, so repidly that we who are still living are already experiencing it, and will experience it much more before we die, and leave the nightmare to our descendants. Until then, shouldn't we do all we can to make things easier for them, such as find and implement solutions?

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